How would ypu hunt this parcel


5 year old buck +
This is a smaller parcel i can hunt. Green dots are treestands. Orange dots are where i hsve shot deer before. Blue square is a barn past 2 or 3 years. Purple circle is a pond. That area to the west is a large pasture. Violet house is a pain. Has left notes im tresspassing on my truck. Brother in law leases small violet triangle from him, like 15 acres there. Circled in red is the property brother in law owns. Circled in yellow has been corn most years.

I get skunkd often here. This year its corn. I hunted sunday the day after thry harvested. No deer, sat on the NW stand. North border is a steep streambed. Saw a deer there once or twice. North / south down the middle used to be a tractor path. This year they planted over it. To rhe south is fersl fields with tall grass. Debate buying a tripod stand for there. Hunting there sunday was the kackle of about a thousand geese. They were in that pond circled purple. Not sure if that effects the hunt. minden.jpg
if you can only hunt in the red boundary...hmmm, with a north wind, looks like you have it nailed to me. Don't see alot of other options. That's unique property lines for sure
I'd have something close to the road in the red circle for a west to N west wind to catch them heading to the cut corn.

Can you put in small food plots and fruit trees?
Interesting! I usually don't offer opinions on such things - because I don't know. I have a good friend who thinks he knows, but I'm beginning to believe he doesn't know either.
But, I think I can see why you get skunked. There are no deer here very often. And when they are there, why? Food, cover, water. There's no relief (elevation change). There's little cover. There's water. And there is probably lots of food, but without cover a deer has to travel outside its comfort zone, I think. And I don't see many opportunities to use the wind to your advantage.

I think I'm with Bill (see above) on this one.
Rhe circle bill put in is the only driveway there. Middle of driveway has a few high rocks, so i can only get my trailer or a car like 30ft in.

Next time there planting 4 or 5 apples trees on the north border towards the west. Also, drop a camera in the creek basin. They might use it a bit more on bean years or after corn is picked.

Other parcel is a mess. Neighbors on property, but brother in law dont want any hassles.. there 2 ok cover spots and travel lanes too.

WIll put trees at that spot, hut i think the small parcel needs them more. Both parcels are 5 minutes apart. Large oarcel has a good soot to camp at entrance.
This is a great inside corner (NW) where you have a stand and have killed deer(s). Without thinking about anything else I'd have a food plot there. Maybe you do?
Hard to tell from the aerial but seems it would be hard to access any of it any distance in to the west without blowing up the limited cover that exists. Thats why Bill's idea makes a lot of sense.

Seems like the trick would be coming up with ways to get in/our without being detected and not have your scent blown into cover. Since the property line is right in the cover, i assume there are probably others hunting it as well on the other side so it's not possible to minimize human intrusion?
Neighbors are amish. 2 or 3 years ago, saw 5 or 6 amish kids with muzzleloaders walking the road going into the corn across the street. Abut 10 minutes later, sounded like D day in there. Don't think anyone but a deer got hurt, might of been a bit of luck that day though.

Not sure if my brother in law would be ok with a food plot. This is about 2 hours from his farm. He has a traveling business and hires local truckers, or other farmers. He had 3 of his guys there with trucks and transport tractors while his semi-retired friend was running his john deere harvester. They have a dryer nearby too. Need a beat up winnower screen, just about no kernels left anywhere.

Could probably spread some red clover in september while keeping it under the radar.

Alot of dead end paths in that spot. And the place got worse since the barn moved in too.

Forgot to mention, the green spot is on the top of the hill, but gets wet up there. Most years it's just knee to waist high weeds. Sometimes corn grows ok there, sometimes not. He does spray time or two up there. Not sure if it's just roundup, or has insecticide as well. He's very particular in almost every aspect.
The north borderline may or may not be hunted. There was a hang on treestand in the creek bottom on "my" side of the property. Looked unused for a couple of years though. Don't think it's in there anymore. My side of the streem is more generous valley area. It's steep right by the stream on the neighbor's side.

Only 1 truck up there poaching. But, I could be wrong. My brother in law has a good friend who sold his farm to a biotech company and moved to this area. His old farm now makes eggs for vaccine and research. He could have a freinds kids up there hunting that time.

Other parcel has calmed down some over the years. people in town used to drive in and window hunt. Haven't had that is 3 or 4 last opening weekends. Week and half is opening rifle for the non adirondack part of NY state. Lilely have the neighbors driving the swampy part of the large parcel like they've done "forever". Can be good, but fustrating hunting up there. Beats state land, or the 3 bucks in a 600 acre camp.

No deer in the fridge yet, but might be going away for opening weekend of rifle. North Carolina fishing. Wife is debating it still, missing thanksgiving and all. Half of the family missed out on christmas while toehr other half was on a bahama cruise.
The stream divides the property to the north. About 80% of the woods you see in on my side. West end is a good 25 yards of trees.

Will be putting cameras up in there next weekend. Even if its for refernce for future years hunts.
My favorite buck of all time was harvested on this parcel. Nice bodied large rack 8 pointer with every time broken / cracked. Scars all over his cape. He was a meanie. Kinda burnt towards the end of rifle season. Got there around 3:30pm. Put a seat cushion on the ground and had my 450 marlin on my knee looking down the "tractor path" About 15 minutes in, he came through the path. Ran 100 yards, blood all over the corn. Blew his heart to pieces and he ran till he was dry.
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When looking at properties from Ariel views, use several sites. Google maps, mapquest, and bing maps. I know there's new satelittes arrays out there that update pics every several days now. Not sure where to see it for free though.

Anyway, Google is usually newer. Bing maps is more recent. Shows the new farm building to the north.


Shows the property lines better. And that muddy area in the moddle western spot he doesn't plant. Wondering if deer use the south for bedding in the tall grass. Got a better way to use the properties with my trailer to sleep in instead of 4 am drving there. Good old zombie days. Would spend more time nodding off on the tand than alert.
Seems like few options, and you got it figured out.
where do the does bed? That’s the big question. Never hunt upwind from there.
does it snow there? That’s a great time to scout, see beds and trails, then adjust accordingly.
Last few years, I 've focused on hunting the larger parcel 5 minutes away. Definitely will check it out a few days after a snow. Ontop of it, it is on the way to my hunting camp. About 1/2 way.

Likely not renewing the hunting club membership for 2024. So, this is my bread on the bread n butter hunting spot.

Think I will sit once or twice this year up on the other treestand. Try to get a peek if they're bedding on the south fallow field. I know they come out at the end of the day from the west.

This is the butter. Past 2 weeks, my brother in lwas friend who semi retired is harvesting this parcel. Corn is wet, so they grab a few dozen acres and run it throug hthe dryer. Hopefully, the parcels get a few quiet days before open of rifle saturday. Orange line is travel routes, orange circle is a good spot, just alot of walking to get there. Green circle is bedding area. Blue circle is swampy bedding area the nieghbors run drives on. Purple X is neighbors little hunting club or whatever, they come on the property often. Small red X on the south is the entrance. I park the trailer there. There a for sale acerage sign I saw last time there. Couldn't find it on realtor sites. Going to get more info. ITs towards the west. Could be a few acres for a house, or the field to the west. Brother in law would likely buy it if its farmland.

Yellow dots are where I harvested deer over the years. Southmost one I've shot about 5 over the years, all other one or two. Green dots are treetands.

Much more activity on this parcel, but some poacher fustration.