How to kill green briar?


5 year old buck +
Forestry guys told me gly and surfactant.Sprayed 2 weeks ago and no change
It is over taking alot of my timber and climbing 30ft up my walnut trees
I sprayed some incidentally with Gly, and AMS and it seemed to help it. You could surely use 2-4d? Remedy? Dad makes a cocktail of 2-4d, Remedy and Escort. Would probably nuke it, but I can’t remember the residual on that mix.

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If it is climbing up your trees and you want to spot treat, nip it off and treat the cut with Tordon RTU. I know some folks worry about it affecting non-target trees, but that would take a tiny amount. I’ve done that a bunch with no ill effects.

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Definitely a preferred deer browse in my North Florida area, and that's saying something as in the springtime here, which starts as early as February, just about EVERYTHING that grows is as green as Ireland.

That, and it's not just edible for deer... from what I've read all smilax variants are non-toxic, and if you can beat the deer to them the tender shoots and tender leaves eat just fine sauteed with some seasonings for taste. You can even safely eat them raw... just not a lot of taste to them, but that said nothing offensive tasting about them either.

I've had them mixed in a couple of omelets over the past few weeks after sauteing them with just bit of seasoning to give them more flavor. 👍 SHTF, I'm going to be REALLY happy to have them around.


Not a video from my own channel, but one speaking to the edibility.... and tons of additional videos on YouTube with folks gathering it / cooking it. Really easy to gather the tender shoots, as if you pull from close to the end of the shoot it will snap cleanly at whatever point the shoot goes from tender to tougher. 👍

I can spray where it bunches at ground so can mostly not worry about trees.I could spray for the next month and there would be enough to eat for the deer.It actually chokes out my ground cover


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What you are eating doesn't look like mine.What I have has bad ass thorns and stickers ever 1/4 inch and can get bigger around than your finger.They will grow up a tree and actually start pulling it crooked
I would venture that "Green Briar" is used to describe at least a couple of different plants. Unfortunately the only way to compare plant to plant is through scientific name. I know the Green Briar that buckdeer1 is talking about. I have seen it browsed some, but I wouldn't say it is a highly sought after plant in KS. I have never tried to kill it though, I have enough to be annoying to walk through some areas, but otherwise not real thick on my farm.
What you are eating doesn't look like mine.What I have has bad ass thorns and stickers ever 1/4 inch and can get bigger around than your finger.They will grow up a tree and actually start pulling it crooked

This is the one I am talking about

Google up Smilax species and look at images

Yes it is,The recommended mix is 25% remedy 75% diesel
I want on an invasive onslaught....and there will be collateral deaths but i did all i could to not get near my green briar. Deer candy even amongst the land of well known deer treats
I've had the best luck in PA state forests hanging out by green briar patches. In january, it's probably more following a trail on concealment than anything else. Day 1 put my portable treestand up, usually go home happy with venison by day 2 or 3. I just learned the hard way, I can shoot a monster 12 pointer at 125 yards with an open sighted flintlock......
As mentioned above there are a couple of varieties of green briar and I have never seen signs of deer eating it.Neighbors did see a turkey the other day that had some wrapped around his legs but they could catch as he kept flying off