How to flush sprayer tanks?


5 year old buck +
I use my 25gal ATV sprayer (Northstar Boom) for all chemical applications at my place. Mostly Fruit tree stuff, Gly, 24D, and foliar fertilizer.

Is there a better way to clean it up between chemicals than simply rinsing it a few times with clean water? I feel like I waste too much water this way, plus it still smells like whatever I used last, anyway.

I saw a jug of tank cleaner at Tractor Supply the other day ($20!?) but didn’t buy it because I thought it must be pretty simple chemistry to DIY. Something to neutralize plus a cleaner???

Does anybody have a good hack?
Plastic tanks seem to absorb the chemical. The tanks cleaner is supposed to pull the chemical out. You rinse a few times with clean water then fill the tank then put in cleaner and let it sit overnight to pull out the chemical. I cant remember how much cleaner is recommended but I’m sure you get several cleanings out of a bottle. if you just rinse to clean the tank and then keep using the same chemicals there’s probably no need to use the cleaner as any residue wouldn’t affect thing much. It’s when you need a different chemical or maybe want to water your trees with the tank that a cleaner is a good idea. I’ve used the cleaners and they seem to do a good job. I’m not one to want to waste water but, I probably use 50 gallons just to take a shower. LOL.
Well, I learned something already! I’ve just been rinsing it a couple/few times, and running it to clear the boom & nozzles, but not letting it sit overnight.
Lots of the herbicides can be cleaned out by using small amount of laundry soap or ammonia in strengths of 1-3%. Here is a article with chart which shows the names of many herbicides and recommendations.
Edit: for using generic ones like clethodim you might have to cross ref with a typical brand name aka Select


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I should probably Google this before I post. . But can’t you use Simple Green?

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I just double rinse. You think you're wasting water....My water bill always goes up during spraying season. But my big sprayer has a 400 gallon tank.
Thanks everyone! Less worrying about it and more spraying is what I’m hearing. The worst by far is the fruit tree spray - #2 diesel.

I also read that both bleach and ammonia work. Just not mixed together. I’m 100% going to try Simple Green because my wife bought a 5 lifetime supply at Costco a few years ago - not realizing it was so concentrated.

P.S. I guess “waste” probably wasn’t the right word. But you’d be hard pressed to find a cleaner gravel driveway than mine after rinsing the sprayer out a few days in a row👍
I just double rinse. You think you're wasting water....My water bill always goes up during spraying season. But my big sprayer has a 400 gallon tank.

That sounds terrible. Makes me wonder about the process on big commercial ag operations!
I'd say just put some water through, give it a good rinse and spray it out until the nozzles are clear. Dawn dish soap also helps.
Remember to put some RV antifreeze in it through the winter so it doesn't freeze (If you have that issue).
I will rinse the tank with water and push the water through the spray lines. I then add about a half tank of water with dawn anti bacterial soap and run that into the spray lines and let sit for about 30 minutes. I then let the pump empty the tank. On the final rinse, i just run clean water through it until soap suds are gone and make sure tank and spray lines are empty.
I'd be careful with just water. I ran into an issue last weekend when basal spraying with carrier oil and Garlon 4. It gelled up from residual chemical. I double rinsed/flushed the sprayer with water prior to use. I have a new container of tank cleaner, which appears to be sodium carbonate. (Not bicarbonate)