How many hours is too many


5 year old buck +
I know the answer is “it depends” based on maintenance and how hard it was used. But, I’m kicking around the idea of upgrading tractors and I see used ones that are all over the map. 500 hours to 5000 hours. I’m sick of tinkering with my current model and want something that can be more hands off. Not having grown up with tractors, I’m not super savvy about what to look for when kicking tires on used machines so I’m trying to find some benchmarks on what to look for.
Any advice for a greenhorn?
I was under the impression that the most important feature on any tractor was the paint color. I could be wrong. But that seems to be what everybody criticizes. Then again, I'm a city boy.
Ha! I even got that wrong with my first tractor purchase. It’s a John Deere but it’s yellow (industrial version).
I know the answer is “it depends” based on maintenance and how hard it was used. But, I’m kicking around the idea of upgrading tractors and I see used ones that are all over the map. 500 hours to 5000 hours. I’m sick of tinkering with my current model and want something that can be more hands off. Not having grown up with tractors, I’m not super savvy about what to look for when kicking tires on used machines so I’m trying to find some benchmarks on what to look for.
Any advice for a greenhorn?

Ask the used owner if they kept a written service record? Look at other equipment they own and what kind of condition it is in. Why are they selling, upgrading to larger or changing brands, original owner? All good indicators.

I am like you, ok at basic maintenance and some trouble shooting, but not an experienced mechanic. Buy a brand that has a good service dealer nearby. If you can't trailer the tractor, make sure they can pick-up & deliver.
I have a JD 5400 with 5000 hours. I bought it used with close to that, the guy used it only to haul round bales for cattle. Good price and its been trouble free. It's all in individual machine. I'll never put a lot of hours on it the way I use it.
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