How far beneficial bugs travel?

They decimate our cherry trees bad and hit hazelnuts and chestnuts. If caught early I can spray if trees aren’t to tall. I’ve had the cherry trees completely defoliated before but leaves grow back, stunts that years growth.
I’ve started spraying for them at first sight in late spring now. Some years are really bad others hardly see any…closer lots of fields of soybeans are planted combined with a wet spring and they seem to be worse.
Would be great if birds or praying mantis or wasps would help out with them.
Oh yes, they love the cherry trees. They really hit the Stella cherry hard, but the Montmorency not as bad. I'm trying a Kansas cherry variety that seems okay, but none will do well here on the river bottom. Forget about grapes unless you spray a bunch of permethrin, They don't hit the pears nearly as bad.
Japs eat up all my wild grapes and wild black cherry trees and don't usually get around to my apples. When they do actually hit an apple or hazelnut, that tips me off that the tree isn't in top health, and I hit it with a batch of my homemade fertilizer spray.