How bout this guy


5 year old buck +
Checked my Bushnell cam that I tried to sell, but instead kept it and found this good looking deer on there. He is a McLeod county buck. Didnt think we had one this big. How big is he?? I see 11 pts and maybe like 140+ gross. I think I have him on cam from last year at my dad's orchard about 4 miles from here. He was 10 pts last year. PICT0079.JPG PICT0084.JPG PICT0085.JPG PICT0090.JPG PICT0092.JPG PICT0093.JPG PICT0096.JPG
Also have a very nice 8 pt on cam that I am almost certain I had last year. If we keep getting rain this woods might finally hold a deer. Buddy also made the round out to the salt block. We were under the impression that he hadnt left the yard in years with all of his tumors.

I like what I am seeing..... very nice.
I'm seeing a lot more than 140 on the big one, high 50s maybe 60. Apparently it's time for us MN guys to stop complaining, there's big bucks everywhere!
So I checked my pic from the one last year and he had a split left brow tine. This pic of the big one from this year has a split right brow tine. Could it be the same buck?? Here is the one from last year that I thought this one might be. Now I am not so sure. I saw some huge tracks about 2 weeks after planting, and I am sure that it must be from this stud. I did not have a single doe on cam and this big one and that nice 8 pt only made one stop and then kept right on going. Does not give me high hopes of them living in that woods. And I have never launched an arrow at a deer.

I've seen extra tines switch sides from year to year, drop tines come and go, etc. if that's him he made a huge jump.
You should prune those water sprouts off your apple trees. They may stay around longer if the trees are producing fruit.
Aren't you glad you didn't sell that cam. Nice looking deer.
That's a beautiful buck north of 150. He's got it all. I'll say 155, if he was a little taller, he'd be enormous.
I'm seeing a lot more than 140 on the big one, high 50s maybe 60. Apparently it's time for us MN guys to stop complaining, there's big bucks everywhere!
The sky does not appear to be falling. Haha
Hey, are u one of the guys batman wants me to swap hunts with. I'll offer 5 does for a crack at that buck;)
I just might take you up on that swap. This is a McLeod county buck. Roughly 50-60 miles straight west of Ghettoapolis. Our other land up north.... the stuff that I constantly complain about is 200 miles north. Totally different winters, predators, management.

I hate to hunt down south. Constantly hearing cars, people, dogs, corn dryers, grain bin fans, cows, rumble strips from highway 7, sirens, and the deer can only come from one direction. I like it when I am surrounded by no noise and deer that walk in from almost any direction and being 200 miles from home.
I'm with McLoving, that deer breaks 150 with ease.
So the land south is good, but sucks up north? That's no different than wi?
So the land south is good, but sucks up north? That's no different than wi?

No, the land south sucks cause its damn near wall to wall farms, but there is an occasional nice deer spotted. The land north WAS phenomenal until the DNR went ape shit passing out all the tags a person wanted, extended seasons, reintroduced wolf packs, early antlerless, intensive harvest, etc, and throw in a couple bad winters and a half hearted attempt to fix the problem and now up north sucks too.
Ya the hunting sucks in northern wi too. Deer need the habitat so that explains your other problem
Couple of deer must have found a little sanctuary in farm country. Not many do.
Good looking buck. I think he goes over 150 with ease.