Horse flies


5 year old buck +
With the wet spring and summer, this has been a terrible year for horseflies around me. Any ideas on how to either keep them away, or kill them, they are horrible. My black labs can’t even go out in the grass or they come back with 10 of them eating at their face, and they make them bleed from the bites on their faces.
Screenshot_20190728-132913_Chrome.jpgWhen we had horses we used a product called Pyranha. Great product to keep biting flies and insects away or dead. Check Valley Vet Supply.
Deer flies are awful here this year. I've been giving my dog and myself a very light mist of Deep Woods OFF if we are going to be close to woods, then swim her in pond before we leave.
Man! I thought I was going to see a picture of a flying horse when I opened this thread! :emoji_grinning:
Ours are back also. I use Cutters Backwoods spray with 40% deet. Also, don't wear dark cloths or hats as they are atrracted ny dark colors.