Help with seedlings

Just an update....well, not much change really.

I "treated" all the trees last Thursday (3/16/17) with Bti (Mosquito Dunks/Bits is the brand I used).
  • Not much change has happened with the DCO, except one of them, which was failing pretty bad, has died back to the soil surface. The others show now worsening or new signs of growing.
  • The Chinkapins that had germinated have all started a 2nd flush, and the ones I planted 2 weeks ago (to replace once that didn't germinate) have mostly broken the surface and are growing up well with no signs of struggling.
  • The Persimmons are still growing and also starting to Flush, none of the seeds I planted two weeks ago have germinated yet, but I don't expect them until next week. One Persimmon has leaves that look a bit more veiny than the rest, but the tips aren't brown yet and there is new growth starting, so I have to watch that a bit more.
  • The 72-hole germination flat of mixed crabs, apples, and stuff are still germinating. These were planted about two weeks ago. Some have died off from dampening-off or other seedling failure issues. This tray is way more trees than I need, so a few losses are 1, expected and 2, okay (I need some spots for starting veggies here soon anyway).
  • I planted the hybrid poplar cuttings in a Rootmaker tray this past Saturday. I crushed up a Bti Dunk and mixed the powder in with the soilless mix for these, so in theory the Bti will be there waiting for any Fungus Gnat larvae to hatch. I am less worried about these trees, as I assume their vigorous growth will overcome any damage caused by gnat larvae.
I've used watered down hydrogen peroxide and yellow sticky's to try and get them under control, never on seedlings, but it might not hurt to try it on them if all else fails.