Hack and squirt recipe

It worked great. Here's a clump of Tree of Heaven I killed by basal spraying. This is from the first fall after spraying that spring. I wish I'd have taken some pics this past spring. I do need to go heavier with thinning in some areas. View attachment 71567
Good work, Ben. Nothing like the sight of dead TOH. They're all along our roads here. Someone must be treating them, or a natural disease / fungus is killing them.
Anyone else done battle with black locust? My results with Tordon are not a good as I'd hoped on the larger trees.

I remember watching a video of hack and squirt, using hatchets. Went out and bought an good quality hatchet from Sherrill Tree. I quickly found that striking a black locust with a sharp hatchet was a lot like striking a sidewalk with a metal baseball bat.
Can someone help me understand what is difference between Triclopyr 4 (with various letters after- E, EH, ...etc), Garlon (+ letters) and other Named varieties (Remedy?) with regards to basal bark spraying?
What the difference is or what the difference is? 😁

Copy and paste a post of mine from July....

"Remedy has Triclopyr butoxyethyl ester. Using the highly scientific method of putting some in my Amazon shopping card, it SEEMS to be letting me order it.
Triclopyr 3 (Triclopyr Amine) is says right off the bat they can't ship it.

This doc refers to it as Garlon 4:
" Tricloplyr BEE (Garlon 4) is applied from October – March. 2, 4-D is also used but applied March-May. Ten to thirty percent of broadcast applications in forestry may require the use of these chemicals."

I THOUGHT Garlon 4 was Triclopyr 4. (which I already have some of)

This doc refers to it as that.

But it also says you can't use Triclopyr 4 for hack and squirt.

(but can be used with oil for basal bark applications, or with water for folial applications, which confuses me why it would work both ways, but NOT for H&S mixed either way??)"

I've giving you no answer, just my old questions. lol
3A is the amine or the water soluble version and typically used hack and squirt. 4 is the ester version which is oil soluble and typically used for basal bark treatments.
Anyone else done battle with black locust? My results with Tordon are not a good as I'd hoped on the larger trees.

I remember watching a video of hack and squirt, using hatchets. Went out and bought an good quality hatchet from Sherrill Tree. I quickly found that striking a black locust with a sharp hatchet was a lot like striking a sidewalk with a metal baseball bat.

I’ve found this to be effective to control young black locust. This is what our local forester directed me on a sizable infestation:

Basal bark herbicide application is done by spraying a mixture of 1 part triclopyr ester concentrate (Garlon 4, Element 4, Triclopyr 4e) to 4 parts diesel, and spraying the lowest 12" of the stem, all the way around the stem. The spray should wet the bark, but not run off the bark. This can be done anytime except March-May, but best results are had if done before the locust leaves turn colors.

Here is a great video showing the process:

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For years, I would buy both Triclopyr 3 and 4 because I was told that you don't use 4 for H&S but you don't use 3 for basal treatment. I don't like using 3 because it can cause irreversible eye damage. So I started using 4 for H&S and I've found it every bit as effective as 3. This was on tree of heaven and paulownia. It's also a lot more convenient to buy and stock just Triclopyr 4.

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What the difference is or what the difference is? 😁

Copy and paste a post of mine from July....

"Remedy has Triclopyr butoxyethyl ester. Using the highly scientific method of putting some in my Amazon shopping card, it SEEMS to be letting me order it.
Triclopyr 3 (Triclopyr Amine) is says right off the bat they can't ship it.

This doc refers to it as Garlon 4:
" Tricloplyr BEE (Garlon 4) is applied from October – March. 2, 4-D is also used but applied March-May. Ten to thirty percent of broadcast applications in forestry may require the use of these chemicals."

I THOUGHT Garlon 4 was Triclopyr 4. (which I already have some of)

This doc refers to it as that.

But it also says you can't use Triclopyr 4 for hack and squirt.

(but can be used with oil for basal bark applications, or with water for folial applications, which confuses me why it would work both ways, but NOT for H&S mixed either way??)"

I've giving you no answer, just my old questions. lol
And I thought government paperwork and Jeff Sturgis explanations made me confused.... ;)
For years, I would buy both Triclopyr 3 and 4 because I was told that you don't use 4 for H&S but you don't use 3 for basal treatment. I don't like using 3 because it can cause irreversible eye damage. So I started using 4 for H&S and I've found it every bit as effective as 3. This was on tree of heaven and paulownia. It's also a lot more convenient to buy and stock just Triclopyr 4.

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Despite the thread title (sorry guys), i am after a basal bark spray...the most effective one i can get (without giving up my vision of course)....
The good thing about a basal bark treatment is you aren't limited by time of year. I was able to do my 22 acre treatment area in the spring which isn't recommended for hack and squirt because of the flushing effect of sap flow then.
Good work, Ben. Nothing like the sight of dead TOH. They're all along our roads here. Someone must be treating them, or a natural disease / fungus is killing them.
I think it's the spotted lantern flies
Can someone help me understand what is difference between Triclopyr 4 (with various letters after- E, EH, ...etc), Garlon (+ letters) and other Named varieties (Remedy?) with regards to basal bark spraying?
The active ingredient in Garlon IS triclopyr. Buying generic triclopyr is cheaper than buying the name-brand Garlon. Garlon 3 / triclopyr 3 is to be mixed with water - - - Garlon 4 / triclopyr 4 gets mixed with an oil-based spreader like diesel (what most people use for mixing it with).

Our foresters told us to use triclopyr 4 with diesel this fall to kill TOH by H & S. We did - they're dead. ------ Did the H & S in September and early October. FWIW.
4 sv 4e (the ester is less soluable)..... even more confusing in the communist republic state i live in you can only buy name brands, not Triclopyr.....then again as of tomorrow GoreTex cannot be shipped here either. Be happy if you dont live in Cali or NY
FWIW Tryclopyr 4 CAN be mixed with water for spraying. I bought it, couldn't return it, so I figured why not. It makes a milky "oil and water" mixture, but it killed what I sprayed it on, mostly miscellaneous weeds. Turned everything black (at least real dark), easy to tell what was sprayed with it vs what I sprayed with glyphosate.
Despite the thread title (sorry guys), i am after a basal bark spray...the most effective one i can get (without giving up my vision of course)....
I use 1 gallon of Remedy Ultra with 4 gallons of diesel fuel in a 5 gallon can mix well and spray the bottom 16” all the way around to kill Osage orange it’s generally the only species I basal bark spray but that mix works well for me.