Habitat-Talk's September Trail Cam Photo Contest

she looks hungy!
she's got a couple youngins
Here is an incredible pic of a fawn which I believe has lost its mother. Under nourished and very not afraid of anything. Can you say deer are dogs best friend. I don't know who the dog belongs to and the fawn is a regular. I hope the fawn doesn't invite the coyote to the next dinner or may end up as thatWGI_0232.JPG
PICT0001.JPG Here is that same fawn that came running when I pulled up in the field to put out my apple cider pressings..... it actually listened to me and ate like a pig. Unbelievable!!!!!
Looks like ya gotta pet there spacefarmer!
Here's an apple tree my dad planted many years ago in a yard he anticipated living in someday. That didn't pan out, but our hunting property is just across the road. The buck on left is a 3 year old and the one on right I can't place, but I think he might be a 2 year old with triple crabclaws on the beam ends. Hoping to get a look out of velvet. The bigger one shed on 9/1. This is my original trail cam, still cranking out the pics!

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Congrats to Mortenson! You are the winner with 14 likes :emoji_thumbsup::emoji_clap::emoji_trophy:.