Habitat-Talk's March Trail Cam Photo Contest

Cat- Your pix tell the story of late winter survival for deer. Skinny, post-rut, cold bleak conditions and scarce food supplies. Makes me appreciate how tough these deer are. An animal deserving of respect. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the opportunity to see some great pics and an entertaining way to share.

I just pulled my cams today and got a wealth of info on survivors and some a couple good pics to enter. Here's the one I busted my gut as soon as it opened up. My wife loved and immediately said I need to enter that in a contest. I laughed and said whatever and then I remembered the one going on here. I rarely share pics but this one fits this contest.:emoji_grinning:

Not sure what the hell is going on with my deer herd!
That's going to be hard to beat Willy. But your deer are weird. :emoji_dromedary_camel:

I didn't know deer did the choo choo train!
Wow, too many good ones to choose from. So far I don't have any I'm going to post. None of mine are even close to being as good.

It was a hard choice. but I had to vote for the ducks. I think the vivid colors on such a drab day here pulled my vote.

Keep the pics coming. I'm enjoying them....
^^^^ it's funny how bucks fight like girls when the antlers fall off.

I'm calling them bucks based on tarsal stain and neck girth.
^^^^ it's funny how bucks fight like girls when the antlers fall off.

I'm calling them bucks based on tarsal stain and neck girth.

Don't know about the buck on the right, but there is not need to use secondary factors like tarsal stain, neck girth, or antlers to decide what sex the deer on the left is! Just zoom in!
Thanks for the opportunity to see some great pics and an entertaining way to share.

I just pulled my cams today and got a wealth of info on survivors and some a couple good pics to enter. Here's the one I busted my gut as soon as it opened up. My wife loved and immediately said I need to enter that in a contest. I laughed and said whatever and then I remembered the one going on here. I rarely share pics but this one fits this contest.:emoji_grinning:

Not sure what the hell is going on with my deer herd!
View attachment 12560
Hands down Willy wins the contest!

Looks like a couple of friends of mine.... "Listen biziotch!"

I'm obviously not helping determine a winner. I like all of these pictures. Does that make me a habitat addict? If so, I don't want to change.
I just love those predator pics, especially the eagles.