Habitat-Talks June 2024 Trail cam contest.


  1. Photos submitted for the contest must have been taken by a trail camera during the current month or the month prior. Example= To be eligible for the June 2023 contest, the photo must have been taken with a trail camera during May 2024 or June 2024.
  2. Photos must be submitted on or before the last day of the month for the contest to be eligible. Example= March 31st is the last day to enter a photo in the March contest.
  3. The winner is decided by the photo that receives the most "likes", counted on the 10th day after the end of the month. Example= Photo with the most "likes" on July 10th is the winner of the June contest. In the event of a tie the photo that was posted first will be deemed the winner.
  4. Members can submit up to 5 photos per contest (one photo per post), however no photo can be submitted into more than one contest.
  5. Members can "like" as many photos as they wish. (Participation is key to this working. Don't wait until the end of the month to vote for a winner, "like" photos as they are posted if you like them).
  6. Categories to be announced on a monthly basis.
  7. Any and all disputes or questionable entries will be reviewed by Admin and handled accordingly.
  8. The category for this month is restricted to (No restrictions)
This year no monthly prizes but we’ll put all monthly winners in a best of best contest for something. Wonder what @tooln up to 😁
When I first saw this on a phone I couldn't figure out what the heck it was.

It took me a while to figure it out too. Let me tell you the whole story.

I actually had three different pictures of the deer doing handstands, and it was at three different times just a few seconds apart. I only saved this one picture, but I should have saved all three. I still don't know what was going on.
It took me a while to figure it out too. Let me tell you the whole story.

I actually had three different pictures of the deer doing handstands, and it was at three different times just a few seconds apart. I only saved this one picture, but I should have saved all three. I still don't know what was going on.
Mule kicking a predator?

Reverse psychology - instead of a scarecrow, it is a scare turkey scaring the crows from her feeder
ABSOLUTELY understand Bill's decision to limit contest to photos / exclude videos, but God knows these bear cubs in action are stinking cute! 😂 Not to effect voting (promise!) but will be sharing a compilation video later this afternoon (in separate thread) if time allows that does include the cubs, as well as quite a few other creatures, as well as something I'd never captured before that ended up costing me much of the past two months time-wise and will keep me busy for many months ahead.

Bear Thumbnail.jpg
Although PA is loaded with bears they’re pretty sparsely populated in my area on the western edge of state. 1st one on camera in a few years. This is a screenshot from a video, I’ll post it a little later in another thread

June spots


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Waltzing with bears


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I thought this was a neat image of twin fawn tiptoeing through flood water with mom. And another shot 3 days before the water was rising.

