Habitat-Talks January 2024 Trail cam contest

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  1. Photos submitted for the contest must have been taken by a trail camera during the current month or the month prior. Example= To be eligible for the June 2023 contest, the photo must have been taken with a trail camera during May 2023 or June 2023.
  2. Photos must be submitted on or before the last day of the month for the contest to be eligible. Example= March 31st is the last day to enter a photo in the March contest.
  3. The winner is decided by the photo that receives the most "likes", counted on the 10th day after the end of the month. Example= Photo with the most "likes" on July 10th is the winner of the June contest. In the event of a tie the photo that was posted first will be deemed the winner.
  4. Members can submit up to 5 photos per contest (one photo per post), however no photo can be submitted into more than one contest.
  5. Members can "like" as many photos as they wish. (Participation is key to this working. Don't wait until the end of the month to vote for a winner, "like" photos as they are posted if you like them).
  6. Categories to be announced on a monthly basis.
  7. Any and all disputes or questionable entries will be reviewed by Admin and handled accordingly.
  8. The category for this month is restricted to (No restrictions)
This year no monthly prizes but we’ll put all monthly winners in a best of best for a really nice custom built steak knife set by @tooln. can be seen here. https://habitat-talk.com/threads/ht-best-of-the-best-prize-knife-follow-along-build.16156/

Winter fight at the scrape

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Fine with video not being counted as an entry, but not sure better place to share it!

That, and the green of the food plot can serve as a southern contrast for all the northern snow shares. And on that note, just to speak to how different planting times can be from zone to zone, I planted the particular plot shown in early November! Music share for the clip is a bit of an age test... those who know it, will instantly understand why I picked it. 😉

Sunrise and frost were a bit intense this morning... 😂
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Might be quadruple brow tines on that side?
Might be quadruple brow tines on that side?
Yeah, I thought I saw some sort of kicker on one of those 3 brow tines. I've gotten several pictures but the angle is never right to get a good look.
Vote Quick....
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