Habitat-Talk’s June 2019 Trail Cam Photo Contest.

Probably the same fawn caught on cam May 15th. One month later, getting almost big enough to get out of harms way if necessary.06130462.JPG06180441 (Bear).JPG
I know it's supposed to be fawns, but these are the smallest cubs I ever caught on cam. I am not sure, but I think there is 3 cubs (two in the water hole and one behind mom). They are playing in my water hole. My wife also got to see her first ever bear driving down the road and caught some 14" crappies on a small lake a few miles from camp.

Fawns, cubs... they're all fun catch on cam. Cute little guys. I think you're right about being 3 cubs with mom.
Mom on guard duty.


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Congratulations to Scott44. His double fawns took the June contest..