H-T's July 2024 Trail cam contest.


  1. Photos submitted for the contest must have been taken by a trail camera during the current month or the month prior. Example= To be eligible for the June 2023 contest, the photo must have been taken with a trail camera during May 2024 or June 2024.
  2. Photos must be submitted on or before the last day of the month for the contest to be eligible. Example= March 31st is the last day to enter a photo in the March contest.
  3. The winner is decided by the photo that receives the most "likes", counted on the 10th day after the end of the month. Example= Photo with the most "likes" on July 10th is the winner of the June contest. In the event of a tie the photo that was posted first will be deemed the winner.
  4. Members can submit up to 5 photos per contest (one photo per post), however no photo can be submitted into more than one contest.
  5. Members can "like" as many photos as they wish. (Participation is key to this working. Don't wait until the end of the month to vote for a winner, "like" photos as they are posted if you like them).
  6. Categories to be announced on a monthly basis.
  7. Any and all disputes or questionable entries will be reviewed by Admin and handled accordingly.
  8. The category for this month is restricted to (No restrictions)
This year no monthly prizes but we’ll put all monthly winners in a best of best contest for something. Winner gets a custom knife https://habitat-talk.com/threads/ht-2024-trail-cam-contest-prize-build.16923/#post-347184 so post up the pics..

I am not against 8 pts either. This year, our state is having bow only “velvet hunt” - I think Sep 6,7, and 8. I looked back last year and most of the bucks already had hard horn by then. I am not crazy about it. I dont think bow hunting in 100 degree heat makes a good combination. Not going to leave one lay very long after the shot.
I really want to go in and grab the HD image off the SD card. Cute sucker. I got several images of him running zoomies all around here.

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I am not against 8 pts either. This year, our state is having bow only “velvet hunt” - I think Sep 6,7, and 8. I looked back last year and most of the bucks already had hard horn by then. I am not crazy about it. I dont think bow hunting in 100 degree heat makes a good combination. Not going to leave one lay very long after the shot.
Bow hunts start in August in Nevada. Not a chance in hell I would go bow hunting in 90 degree heat, especially with no cooler to hang it in within 200 miles.
This is a pic of Trump and Biden with Mayor Pete watching in the background.



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This 11 pt at least 6, if not 7 yrs old. We call him the roamer. My property is for sure his home core, but there isnt a camera within a mile and a half of my place that doesnt catch him once or twice a fall. I saw him twice last fall, both times a mile from my place in a neighbors front yard at high noon during season. How he has evaded getting killed is beyond me with our season structure. He likes a bait pile or a feeder, too - but never sticking on one except during summer. Our new, early “ velvet” bow season this year may be his undoing.
N Mississippi


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