Great Old Sayings

Back in the 70's I worked construction for a crabby bastard that always told everyone they were "Dumber than a bag of Smile*ng Hammers" or his favorite was "My Way or The Highway"

Well he is dead now, and that is Stone Cold! Hahahahaha!
Doesn't really fit, but I've always liked, "It's a lazy man that can't find his woman 3 jobs." The first and only time I've ever heard that come out of someone else's mouth was when my brother said that to an uncle when he and his wife were out of work...He was joking. they didn't find the humor in it, but it amused me and I stole it as my own from that day forward.
"Life is full of choices, every choice comes at a cost, are you willing to pay the cost? "

"You can be anything you want in life, you just cant be everything in life".

Those are my two personal life mottos.
"Life is full of choices, every choice comes at a cost, are you willing to pay the cost? ".

My mom crammed a variation of that down my throat growing up...One of many invaluable lessons she taught me.
My mom crammed a variation of that down my throat growing up...One of many invaluable lessons she taught me.

I must resemble your mom!:eek: My kids would say the same thing!
"If wishes were horses.....beggars would ride." Made known to me by an old neighbor lady of mine: Nellie Kraus

....and a favorite of mine about "wishes".......

"Don't Wish Time Away.....for it's the stuff life is made of."
One of my favorites from my grandpa years ago, he said it to my dad with me standing there after deer hunting on his property when I was 16, "One of these days his little pecker's gonna get hard and he's gonna go hunting those 2-legged deer (dear). Haha!
You got $h!t for brains and a real bad case of the flu don't you.

If you got the flu you can say I could $h1t through a screen and not hit a wire
When calling in sick, say.

I've got anal Glaucoma & can't see my a$$ coming in today.
Not politically correct but one of my favorites

"It's blowing like a bus load of queers out there today"
Hold out both hand, crap in one and wish in the other. See what one fills up first.
If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, we`d all have a merry Christmas......but they're not. So get the f@#$ over it. It's my own personal spin that I occasionally use when someone is whining to me.
Not politically correct but one of my favorites

"It's blowing like a bus load of queers out there today" is perfectly politically correct for me! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
When me or my brother would do something stupid as kids Pops would say "if you had a brain you'd be dangerous"
My little brother and I heard that one quite often ourselves bueller!:eek::oops:
If you point a finger at someone there are 3 pointing right back at you.

Allegedly, this phrase began in the 17th century when the DNR claimed they would reduce the deer herd by 10% and then cut the deer harvest by 50%. Then they claimed by raising the harvest by 10% the peasants would have as many deer as promised. This was done long before the peasants were taught math or had this could never happen again. Could it? ;)

Allegedly, this phrase began in the 17th century when the DNR claimed they would reduce the deer herd by 10% and then cut the deer harvest by 50%. Then they claimed by raising the harvest by 10% the peasants would have as many deer as promised. This was done long before the peasants were taught math or had this could never happen again. Could it? ;)

Yo could count the deer from a helicoptor, then count them again, count the next year and add them all together. NOW, THAT IS CALLED BUILDING THE HERD!