Grazed Rye Regen?


5 year old buck +
Our little rye/radish plot got worked right to the dirt this fall. Is this going to effect or outright prevent spring growth of the rye?
IME it will be just fine
Rye is pretty tough.
Rye is tough. Great root system. Don't flinch if it doesnt look like much from April to May, but in June it with rocket out of the ground.
IMO you will have nothing to worry about, you will see that plot fill in nicely before it is said and done. I have learned over the years that if there is one thing that will survive browse pressure like that better than anything else, it is rye.
Here is mind on May 29th last year. I assure you it looked like nothing on May 15, like this on May 29th and was 3 feet tall around June 15th when we cut it down. It will look sad and then just come out of nowhwere.
I wonder if it'll be emerged enough by mid may to spray it off? I want to get my soybean/pumpkin/WGF plot going by memorial day.