Graft Union

Trampled & Yoder,

I have tried it. I purchased 3 potted Indian Summer crabs from a small nursery 16 years ago. I planted them as usual, and they all lived, but did not grow, which is not my experience with this variety, it is normally reasonably vigorous up here. It could have been any number of things, but I wondered if they might have been grafted on a very dwarfing RS. So 10 years ago I coverned the graft unions with potting soil and then mulched them with leaves. One still has not done much, one of them really took off, and I know the 3rd one is still alive, but off-hand I do not recall if it responded or not. When the snow melts and I can drive in to them, I will evaluate that 3rd one and also look for evidence of decay on those buried trunks.

BTW, I have very light, sandy soils up here, which may help mitigate decay issues.
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