Goose Hunting

Only five birds this morning. None flying hardly.
Looks like time for goose stix!!!! It should be enough meat for a few packs. :)
Way to beat 'em up MO! Congrats!
Thanks, was a lot of fun. My buddy had his dad come down from Moorehead MN last night to hunt with us, and we set up in a great spot again!
My buddy and his dad pounded out another limit here 2 days ago! LOL

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Puttin' the hurt on those local birds MO! Nice!
Nice work! That reminds me of my younger years. I was up to 14 dozen big foot decoys and 6 finisher blinds which I hauled around in an enclosed trailer. I was going to college in Morris and there were geese everywhere. There was never a shortage of friends who wanted to hunt but they were to chicken to help get permission for spots. Eventually I sold all the stuff and spent more time with the deer stuff. There was nothing more fun though than calling in a big flock and yelling Take Em and watching the bodies hit the ground. We also had a good snow goose hunt in N. Dakota.
We have a blast shooting those sky carp! We have the best of all worlds with growing wheat here. I get to sell the grain for good money, bale the straw and sell that for $6 a bale down in the cities, my buddy that hunts here helps throw bales on the trailer for me, so he can hunt. It works out great! And we have a few beers after and talk about the hunt! You can't beat it!
With that kind of hunting, put me down for throwing bales next year. I may be fat but I make up for it by being super slow. ;)....Seriously congrat's on some great hunting

Too Funny! hahahahaha!

You get some hunting land in Missouri and you won't have time to goose hunt! You will be addicted to whitetails!