Good news bad news


5 year old buck +
I finally got up to my place to try and get some work done and check on some things. Bad news first. I was walking the back edge of the field and saw some tracks in the snow followed them for about 10 yards and there was the deer. Fresh coyote kill. All consumed but the hide and stomach. That was the only set of tracks I saw the rest of the day. Still 3' of snow in the woods and I couldn't even walk it with snow shoes. Light crust then break through a foot or more. Any deer will be very easy prey for Yotes for the next couple weeks. Out it the open was more solid, I could stay on top till about noon. Good news. It appears all my apples and pears made it through this winter. There were a couple pears to worry about because they are still completely covered with snow. There is none of the bark cracking they all had last year so hopefully they will be ok. Could not check on all my tubed trees because the 2.5' tubes are all still covered in snow.
This is my $3 dollar ayers pear. No sign of winter damage and not one branch nipped.
This is a wild apple I stumbled on last fall. I staked it up. I didn't see any browsing on any of the wild apples. I really think I could be down to almost 0 deer. These wild apples usually see heavy browse as the snow pack grows the deer can reach well up into the tree. This tree is close to 10' tall.
I dropped some trees on the edge of my plot to expand my orchard. I think I can squeak out another .5 acre. I will use a backhoe to clear everything back to those pines
I have about 15 apples I want to add to this area. It is real glaring how wide open the front of this area is from the road with all the snow. I think I am going to try to transplant all of the shrubs and hawthorns that are in here with the backhoe. I am going to put a camera up next week to see if there are any deer using these tops.
This is a cummins pears picked for my area. It is going on its third leaf. Hopefully they don't have to start over again this year
Great pics, thanks for the tour. I always like seeing what others are doing.
There were 6 bald eagles circling me. I think they wanted to clean up this one. It was a fresh kill but no meat or bones left

This was sorghum. Not much stood up to the snow but nothing eats it anyway. I am hoping the turkeys like it starting May1st. I actually was shocked to see a few sets of turkey tracks.image.jpg
I also cleaned out all my blue bird boxes. Sad to see one box had two dead babies in it. Not sure what happened but I have a feeling our surging coon population had something to do with it.
This is only a few miles from the new ground, right?? Should make it easy to work on/hunt on both places when you head up ?? It'll make each trip worthwhile. How's the logging picture shaping up ??
This is only a few miles from the new ground, right?? Should make it easy to work on/hunt on both places when you head up ?? It'll make each trip worthwhile. How's the logging picture shaping up ??
Yes it is 8 miles away. I actually close tomorrow! I had a trip with a forester planned for next week but I might push it back unless we get some rain. I couldn't walk in the woods at all today. Even with snow shoes it was impossible. It would almost hold you then bam, down you go. Torture on the back. He thinks my area is perfect for a summer cut because of the terrain and rock, there is no mud. He thinks the price might be better depending on how wet the spring is. Lots to consider. I have all the plantings I can handle at my current place so I won't be heart broke if it takes them awhile to cut it.
I enjoyed the pictures.

What apple varieties do you have planned?
There were 6 bald eagles circling me

That's never a good sign! :D

Great pics and tour chummer. Looks good! Your place looks amazingly similar to mine.
I enjoyed the pictures.

What apple varieties do you have planned?
Last year I planted NY Bonkers 35, Frostbie, Wolf River, and Kerr. This year I am planting Dolgo, Chestnut, Liberty, Enterprise, Goldrush, and 5 various crabs from SLN.
Wow Chummer - that's a great selection of apples / crabs for deer !! I've got all those except Frostbite at my camp and they are ALL doing real well. The crabs we got from SLN have done great & we have a nice batch more coming from them in a few weeks. I think you'll be happy. Our planting spots are all open & get lots of sun BTW. The Antonovka rootstock SLN uses is time-proven for colder areas like yours and up at my camp.
No sign of them eating apples and no tracks, goodness that's depressing. :'(
No sign of them eating apples and no tracks, goodness that's depressing. :'(
It is but that makes it a good time to plant! Did you see the post on the Ayers pear. It looks to have come through looking great. That is back to back brutal winters. It might be an option for you. Of coarse it might just be a fluke of a tree.
Yeah could you send me a few of those $3 pear trees? :)
It was one of five trees left at Tractor Supply. I offered the manager $3 each she said take them she was planing on throwing them in the dumpster. The 4 crabs from there are doing great too. I didn't even cage the pear because I figured it had no chance of living. Probably just signed its death warrant.
Thats awesome!