Anybody Have Experience Planting Eastern White Cedar?

Funny, I was just driving through a rural hamlet nearby and notice some cedars in the front yard just as you mentioned...pretty tall and tree-like....but not a single brach below 5'.

A lot of the Maine hunters I follow are always talking about tracking deer into cedar swamps, and I really wasn't sure what they were talking about as we don't have it growing wild locally anywhere. Went down the rabbit hole so to speak. My land is very Maine-like in almost every way and I wondered if I could get it to grow.

In researching eastern white cedar I discovered that it is disappearing from its range it's thought mostly due to higher deer numbers.
Some of the biggest gagger-sized buck sign I ever saw was in / along white cedar swamps in Maine. No limbs down low for sure - they were eaten off. The rubs on some of those cedar trees was enough to make the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Not just rubbed - but gouged and torn chunks taken out of 10" and 12" dia. W. cedars, 18" to 3 ft. off the ground. Didn't see many young cedars sprouting - probably deer chow.

The one WC I had here at home was planted in clayish soil. I surrounded it with wood & bark chip mulch & it grew really well. Mulch kept the soil moist on the western side of the house.
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