Good Deal on 5 ft. x 100 ft. 12.5-Gauge Welded Wire Fence with Mesh 2 in. x 4 in.

Wow! That is a good deal, I just bought some at 145 a few weeks ago
Some of the reviews say the gauge is 14 vs the advertised 12.5. It might be why it's cheaper. I'm still in for two rolls.
5 foot remesh x 150' on sale 106.79 with mail - in rebate at Menards right now, as much as it pains me and how I like mazel brand more I may buy at least 1 roll
5 foot remesh x 150' on sale 106.79 with mail - in rebate at Menards right now, as much as it pains me and how I like mazel brand more I may buy at least 1 roll
I like everything about the remesh better. Sticking with that.

Just got this at Fleet Farm last weekend for $99.
I like everything about the remesh better. Sticking with that.
I concur, been through the gauntlet of snow fence, barbed wire, welded wire and other crap, ... the best has always been remesh
ps.... I grabbed two rolls - should be about the end of it for me
ps.... I grabbed two rolls - should be about the end of it for me
1 more 150' roll of remesh should end my career next year. A few weeks ago I already started turning a section of my nursery into an asparagus bed.
I like everything about the remesh better. Sticking with that.

I concur, been through the gauntlet of snow fence, barbed wire, welded wire and other crap, ... the best has always been remesh

Most people will twice on solutions that eventually trying save on re-mesh, than f they would've bit the bullet and went with re-mesh first.
1 more 150' roll of remesh should end my career next year. A few weeks ago I already started turning a section of my nursery into an asparagus bed.
I hear ya, I want my garden back - the nursery took over. I will still try and do some wildlife shrubs and cuttings but apart from that I only want to do a tree or two here and there; I am appled out.... Time to focus on my pruning skills.