Forward facing sonar - fishing tech

With all that in mind, there should be no limits at all on sunfish under 5", crappie under maybe 7", bass under maybe 10", and northerns/pickerel under 2 lbs in lakes where they're plentiful and stunted. If the bass population was culled hard enough so the remaining can grow, then a predator class would emerge for those larger stunted panfish.

Those lakes should get stocked with channel cats too. Channel cats will fill in that gap and take out that stunted group. Besides, who doesn't love a good catfish fillet? But there would have to be a way to get the cats big enough before they go in so they don't get eaten by the little bass and pickerel.
I am not real sure what the answer is, but all of these different regulations for lakes gets confusing. I prefer KISS.
Im curious to you Minnesota Boys why your dnr has reduced panfish levels to 5 per day on some lakes if livescope is not wiping your populations. Michigan dnr is finally figuring it out as well. Livescope is doing real harm to the fishery whether you want to admit or not.
Im curious to you Minnesota Boys why your dnr has reduced panfish levels to 5 per day on some lakes if livescope is not wiping your populations. Michigan dnr is finally figuring it out as well. Livescope is doing real harm to the fishery whether you want to admit or not.
The quality Of fishing has been in decline for 30+ years. You talk to any “old timer “ and they have stories about how they used to catch 14”+ crappies ot 9”+ bluegills all the time. Those fish are pretty rare now.
SD made a good point about habitat. I’ve actually noticed lakes that have LESS spawning habitat can Have better quality fish, presumably because there is less competition for food.