food plot and standing corn

old one eye

Yearling... With promise
this year I have a guy who wants to plant corn on my property. I have an old dairy farm that has 40 acres tillable in the center. I do food plots (4)(1acre rectangles) in a corner here and there. My question is how will the corn affect plot size and possibly location. more specifically will i have to increase plot sizes to account for increased deer population - assuming more deer will be present as corn offers food and cover. Also is there a strategic location for plots in relation to corn? should I plant between rows on the outside edge?

my current plan after some research is to try wheat/rye/clover 40ft wide (1ac) along perimeter of field between corn and timber. the field is broken up by 3 diversion humps and I plan to plant brassicas 40ft wide (1ac) on one side and clover mix 40ft wide (1ac) on other. on the actual hump I plan on relocating some hybrid poplars and red osier dogwood from the neighbors property

the ag near me consist of 150ac diary farm to the south that has various crops. a 70ac field to the west was planted to hay last fall and that belongs to a different farm farther away. the 85 yr old neighbor to the east has 185ac that he hunts by himself. the neighbor to the north is a lumberyard with 150ac with limited hunting
You might be able to seed clover with the corn. Not popular, but folks do interseed red clover with corn for soil preservation / nitrogen production.

Most AG farmers use roundup ready corn, so your field edges might get whacked. Established clover probably will survive. Give ladino a shot too. I wouldnt do white dutch.

Some farmers airplane seed rye into soybeans sometimes corn. My brother-in-law hires pilots to seed fields near his farm.

you might be able to get away with a rye seeding depending where your are in the usda zone. Many areas mid PA and southern more can easily make a great stand of rye after a reasonable harvest date. Might be able to walk the field edges and get some rye a few rows deep too.

IF trying the red clover thing, get a solo 421 seeder. Perfect for small seeds. 6-8lbs an acre might be ok. Might be able to spread seed right before planting too. Get 20lbs or so an try right before planting, and maybe 3 weeks after. Done it in soybeans and corn a time or two.

You can also ask the farmer to leave you an acre or two of standing corn.
my current plan after some research is to try wheat/rye/clover 40ft wide (1ac) along perimeter of field between corn and timber. the field is broken up by 3 diversion humps and I plan to plant brassicas 40ft wide (1ac) on one side and clover mix 40ft wide (1ac) on other.

I think it's as good a plan as any.

What will really affect your hunting will be the timing of the harvest.
What will really affect your hunting will be the timing of the harvest.

every scenerio i pictured in my head had 8ft corn everywhere - now i realize that my linear food plots will be in the middle of the field with zero cover when they take the corn --- back to the drawing board --thanks for the eye opener
Could you have the farmer not plant a small section along an edge? Or leave some standing? If you knew where that would be you could plan your brassica/rye/clover planting accordingly…
So thinking out of the box here a moment ..I would determine the deer's primary bedding spot(s) and place your food plots between the bedding and the soon if not picked corn ...I would also require the farmer to plant wheat over the picked corn field as soon as he has picked the corn

this year I have a guy who wants to plant corn on my property. I have an old dairy farm that has 40 acres tillable in the center. I do food plots (4)(1acre rectangles) in a corner here and there. My question is how will the corn affect plot size and possibly location. more specifically will i have to increase plot sizes to account for increased deer population - assuming more deer will be present as corn offers food and cover. Also is there a strategic location for plots in relation to corn? should I plant between rows on the outside edge?

my current plan after some research is to try wheat/rye/clover 40ft wide (1ac) along perimeter of field between corn and timber. the field is broken up by 3 diversion humps and I plan to plant brassicas 40ft wide (1ac) on one side and clover mix 40ft wide (1ac) on other. on the actual hump I plan on relocating some hybrid poplars and red osier dogwood from the neighbors property

the ag near me consist of 150ac diary farm to the south that has various crops. a 70ac field to the west was planted to hay last fall and that belongs to a different farm farther away. the 85 yr old neighbor to the east has 185ac that he hunts by himself. the neighbor to the north is a lumberyard with 150ac with limited hunting
Where are you located?
My neghbors on the farmland, when they're not poaching, they're using the harvester to hunt. Harester cuts a few rows, then shuts off for 10 minutes. Last 2 times I observed this, there's was a shooter on the combine porch to the cab.

Hunting during the harvest can be fun.

The deer litterally live in the corn or around it. I bow hunt the edge of it. Kinda have no choice with the property, it all tillable with a fallow section here n there he sprays with gly every few years. There's a very bushy section of 40 acres, I could hunt in it a touch, but afraid of spooking the deer. I leave that area alone, and only walk next to it if I'm downwind.

My brother in law harvests the field most years. He has the most modern equipment, new combine, gps logging of harvests rate, etc. He still misses a row on the edges and they still spill stuff when the hopper is full or transfering from combine to truck or trailer. 2 years ago they spilled a huge mess right infront of my treestand. Would look suspicious to a game warden. Think the loadoff trailer moved before the combine auger was off.

I'll try to post a pic. For some reason the SD card is not in my laptop.
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