Foggy's Deertopia Proving Grounds - Happenings

Mine are gone. I'm just west of you some spud in NW Sauk Co. No rain for a month after planting in early August. What little the brassicas grew the deer have demolished. Glad I threw some clover in w/ them and over seeded some WR in September as it's giving me a green plot at least.
Been a tough Spring / Summer this year. I know I've posted allot on my no-tll and new drill efforts. But I gotta say.....the plots I had this summer maybe were not the best.....but they always had enough clover to feed the deer......despite some of my bad timing. And when I planted into the existing plots those seeds eventually germinated and grew. This is one of those years where (with my sand) keeping roots in the ground to conserve what moisture we got.....has paid a dividend.

Drill baby drill. I'm sold.
Thanks 356. I'll be curious to see your crop shown after a hard freeze. We already had some frost here....and some varieties really wither fast with a freeze. I think the milo fares pretty good.
Here is the Milo after several mornings of hard frost (low 20s). The deer are starting to eat the heads of the smaller milo. I am not sure what constitutes "tasty" over "mere sustenance" when it comes to Milo.

^. Wow.....exceeds my expectations. Thanks!
I'm going to have to try some name varieties of sorghum sometime. I get good results with what I through out, would probably be very happy if I did some research into what I really want.
Until recently the deer seemed to favor acorns and clover to the brassica.
Your plots look great!! Your deer ought to love the food supplies.
Just for some additional info - here in northern Pa. where our camp is located, zone 5 / 6 border - in good acorn years, those and clover plots get the most attention too. At least until it gets pretty cold, then the brassicas become more the focus. Acorns are by far the biggest attraction, and in good acorn years, even our food plots get less attention. But once the cold sets in / snow flies - the winter greens get hammered. Grain rye is also one of our favorites mixed with brassicas. Deer here dig through deep snow to get at rye & brassicas.
Spent the afternoon at Deertopia setting some of my game cameras out.....and mowing around the yard. Tick's are crazy bad this year....pulled lots of them from my clothes and skin today. Likely will spray my yard at the deer land with some stuff I bought a few years ago (name escapes me). Kills em dead.

Decided to mow some strips of the rye down....and then nuked those areas too. I plan to drill some NW Whitetails Sorghum in a few strips this year to break up my plots a bit and provide some screen for entry and exit. Gonna learn how. The rye musta grown 10" in the past week. Amazing growth. Tillering like crazy too.

Need help identifying some growth shown in the pic directly below (could that be sweet clover? with my rye). And the second pic......seeing some of this....and not sure what it is? tempImageG1tZ4w.pngtempImagemrOOxJ.pngtempImageO5RDlR.png
1st picture looks like fleabane (tall stuff) and the second picture is Yarrow
Good catch on the Yarrow. I took a pic of this pic with I Naturalist......and had that same (yarrow) plan picture last year. I guess I forgot what I looked up then. Duh. Noticed lots of yarrow plants in various trails and plots on my land.
Foggy I took 4 ticks off me last tome I was up north. Saw one climbing across my axe on the ground and brushes one off. I saw a picture today of alfalfa in a field and you could see 5 ticks on top of the plant just waiting to hitch hike a meal. Be careful foggy5
Foggy, I wanted to give you something to look forward too.

My Dad used to say with a shy smile, that wood ticks turned into deer flies. He had the timing right on when the deer flies emerge.

Deer ticks seem to be active much longer.

Mosquitoes are out just south of you.
I'm kinda over this tick thing for now. Decided not to go up north and work on my property over memorial weekend for the 1st time in 15 year. Will go back on 4th of July and put summer blend n buckwheat and crimp for the first time. Can't wait to try my newest implement.


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Today I was about to spray some 2-4d on the clover/rye plots - where I want to plant the Sorghum. Got the POS?FIMCO sprayer jerry-rigged a bit and had it spraying water. But it's still leaking around the outlet that feeds the pump despite my efforts to stop the leak via some tape and such. Even tried a new fitting......but it will not tighten without stripping on the threads that were evidently not molded right. Gets really difficult to keep draining this I gotta get it out of my box to get a wrench on it.....yadda yadda. I do not understand why anyone would make a sprayer and not provide the means to drain it. In the case of a POS/ FIMCO the screen that was plugged with manufacturing debris needed cleaning.....but you cannot clean it without dumping the fluids out of the you must remove it to clean it. DUH!! Do not these "engineers" have the ability to think?

Rant over on the POS/FIMCO sprayer. I'm still waiting for the new one to get here....and I am somewhat stuck until it comes. @#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#@#$%^&*(. It's (nearly) impossible to remove the screen to clean without disconnecting the hose....which dumps the whole tank. @#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#$%^&*()

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So.....I could not spray any herbicide again.....but I decided to go ahead and plant the Sorghum Screens today. The plots looked pretty weed free and the clover was diminished after a good nuking last week. My rye is looking good and I am happy with the clover coming in under that rye.

I dumped about 2" of water out of my gauge from Sunday night. More rain is coming this I figured I would plant and take advantage of some warm weather to come.

I may have found some sweet clover too? Got one long stemmed clover plant in one of the pics below I that I could not ID. The stems are about knee high. Picks 4 and 5 below.

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POS sprayer bring a smile

I will take a photograph of the loft in my barn

I have several failed fimcos lined up in a row..... to a row of Poulan chainsaws........

I dont think that’s sweet clover. It should look like alfalfa until it throws the yellow flowers. That looks more like a mammoth red or balansa.

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Not sweet clover
The screen on my POS Fimco is located here so that you can isolate the tank and clean the filter. If yours isn't in this location Foggy, I would recommend moving it.

My latest POS Fimco problem is that my tank connection cracked in the location yours looks to be leaking just to the right of the red circle above. This means I either need a new tank or a new sprayer.. damnit.
The screen on my POS Fimco is located here so that you can isolate the tank and clean the filter. If yours isn't in this location Foggy, I would recommend moving it.
View attachment 65074

My latest POS Fimco problem is that my tank connection cracked in the location yours looks to be leaking just to the right of the red circle above. This means I either need a new tank or a new sprayer.. damnit.
I’ll drop a pin to this one and you can come get it IMG_4359.jpeg