Flail mower and dirt?


5 year old buck +
Just curious about if a flail mower could be used as a shallow tiller type of thing?

I'm wondering just how useful one of these things might be... mow plots and thickets, maybe a light tillage machine, take down small trees (saplings), and what else? I'm seriously considering one for a skid steer on tracks. I think (hope) it could be a VERY versatile tool. What do you guys think? Experiences?
I wouldn't use it to dig at all. That would dull the blades and they are designed to bounce off of hard surfaces. Mine is a bunch of little knives on short pieces of chain and when it starts turning the momentum gets the blades out away from the drum to do the cutting. Solid objects don't do as much damage to the flails because they can give a little when you hit a rock or a log.
So your saying don't use a chainsaw to drill a hole...
I'm always looking for the best way to squeeze out as much as I can. Thought if a flail could be used to slightly cut up the top .5 inch of soil it might find a spot in my arsenal.
Right tool for the job!
Flail is good for just about anything else except dirt work. Love a good flail mower.
If you could swap the knives out for bits of chain, it might be able to tear up the top half inch or so.

If you could swap the knives out for bits of chain, it might be able to tear up the top half inch or so.

I think you'd stall the PTO trying to force it through solid material. Maybe not. Who will take one for the team and give it a shot?
The hammer blades (right picture) might work depending on the soil conditions. The others ones (left) don't look like they would stand up to such use, even for a short time.

I use our stump grinder to put in shallow runs for water lines and short-term electrical runs. As Jsasker007 wrote, someone on this forum should take one for the team and give it a try!

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