I get the gist of how you hook up. Good enough. Does not appear as hard as I had thought. I think some hoes may be much more difficult. So much has been engineered to be quick-tach over time.
I wanted a bh on any tractor I bought. Many had hoe's pretty much permanent attached, some on three pt. This system was/is my sweet point. I won't break my tractor in half,like I've seen with the 3 pt and can remove it easily.
I might have been happier with the L45 but, little Lulu has been the perfect pocket tractor to get me everywhere on my 90.
The saya 505 perfectly worked for me to plant 47 ac of pheas/pol plus gets all my micros and trails planted.
I'm pretty happy with the system most would sail inadequate.
I'll show more if needed.