Finally did it

I get the gist of how you hook up. Good enough. Does not appear as hard as I had thought. I think some hoes may be much more difficult. So much has been engineered to be quick-tach over time.

I wanted a bh on any tractor I bought. Many had hoe's pretty much permanent attached, some on three pt. This system was/is my sweet point. I won't break my tractor in half,like I've seen with the 3 pt and can remove it easily.

I might have been happier with the L45 but, little Lulu has been the perfect pocket tractor to get me everywhere on my 90.

The saya 505 perfectly worked for me to plant 47 ac of pheas/pol plus gets all my micros and trails planted.
I'm pretty happy with the system most would sail inadequate.

I'll show more if needed.
I wanted a bh on any tractor I bought. Many had hoe's pretty much permanent attached, some on three pt. This system was/is my sweet point. I won't break my tractor in half,like I've seen with the 3 pt and can remove it easily.

I might have been happier with the L45 but, little Lulu has been the perfect pocket tractor to get me everywhere on my 90.

The saya 505 perfectly worked for me to plant 47 ac of pheas/pol plus gets all my micros and trails planted.
I'm pretty happy with the system most would sail inadequate.

I'll show more if needed.

From my pond quad pod.


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I get the gist of how you hook up. Good enough. Does not appear as hard as I had thought. I think some hoes may be much more difficult. So much has been engineered to be quick-tach over time.

For whatever reason the tractor and remote pics never copied.


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You should put a pressure washer on your wish list Grin

Got one. I've been using the box rake to make some of my ditches a little wider flatter. That's pretty clean for little Lulu
Tractors are meant to be dirty. Hopefully mine will be very dirty this weekend.
Yep......mine gets pretty piggy at times. If a rain comes along.....sometimes I park it outside my shed and get a free wash. I'm not a tractor any stretch.
Update. I got lucky, really lucky. Was talking with a friend from work, turns out he.knows a guy who was able to get me both the 3rd function kit and the rear remotes (4) kit from bobcat cheap. Like both kits for the cost of the 3rd function kit alone cheap. So hopefully that is taken care of.
It's really nice to have people in your life willing to help out when needed. Really blessed in that way.
On another note, the back hoe is getting a work out tomorrow,going to attempt to dig up the driveway in 3 locations to install culverts. We will see how it handles that.
Update. I got lucky, really lucky. Was talking with a friend from work, turns out he.knows a guy who was able to get me both the 3rd function kit and the rear remotes (4) kit from bobcat cheap. Like both kits for the cost of the 3rd function kit alone cheap. So hopefully that is taken care of.
It's really nice to have people in your life willing to help out when needed. Really blessed in that way.
On another note, the back hoe is getting a work out tomorrow,going to attempt to dig up the driveway in 3 locations to install culverts. We will see how it handles that.

You'll love the remotes.
The best part of my rear remotes is the top and tilt feature that it gives me. I use it on with every implement.
Hydraulic tip link I assume?
Hydraulic tip link I assume?

Yep, I call it top link, same thing. Lets me lift every implement much higher than just the 3pt. It's great when trying to go through low spots when you don't want to drag things.

By far the most helpful is when using my saya 505. I have a very unorganized layout to my habitat. I love that I can tip up and then back up my gray/silky dogwood or willow or others and then drop, adjust and then pull away planting. There is no way I could have done the things I've done with a pull behind planter or without the top and tilt.
Sound like a super sweet deal on your remotes and 3rd function. Having good hydraulic ability on a tractor is the real deal. I am not sure I would be happy without the hydraulic top link.....especially with a drill and my flail mower. Seems I tweak them all the time. I do wish I had tilt too.....but I get along without it. I have priced a hydraulic splitter (like a Fasse Valve) on many occasions.....but have not pulled the trigger on that one. (such a valve would allow me one more set of outlets....which is "needed" when I hook up my flail mower).

My use is so occasional......that I need to draw the line at some point........don't I? Grin. The urge passes with time. lol. I sure do like machinery and all the features that these things offer.....must be something in my DNA. It may be 50% of what draws me into habitat management.
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Update. I got lucky, really lucky. Was talking with a friend from work, turns out he.knows a guy who was able to get me both the 3rd function kit and the rear remotes (4) kit from bobcat cheap. Like both kits for the cost of the 3rd function kit alone cheap. So hopefully that is taken care of.
It's really nice to have people in your life willing to help out when needed. Really blessed in that way.
On another note, the back hoe is getting a work out tomorrow,going to attempt to dig up the driveway in 3 locations to install culverts. We will see how it handles that.
Remotes are great….as others mentioned, when that BH is off, having a hydraulic top liink is great. I used it most with the NT Drill and tiller, but it is also handy with the blade.

Having the network of friends is a big help as well. Enjoy your tractor therapy time this week!
Back hoe worked flawlessly. This thing is a beast, chewed right through the gravel on top of asphalt fairly effortless. Very impressed
Back hoe worked flawlessly. This thing is a beast, chewed right through the gravel on top of asphalt fairly effortless. Very impressed
Fun when things work as good or better than expected.