Finally....2 good bucks!

Very nice 10pt. To be honest I wouldn't let either one walk on my place.
either will get an arrow flung at them if the opportunity arises thats for sure. I like that big old 7....alot....and that 10 aint too shabby!
Did the door on your PEN come loose ??? !!! :D No practicing on the running deer target at F-ville this year either !!! ( 10 pt. pic )

Both nice bucks Phil. Both look mature to me. Deep chests, blocky, " steer " bodies. Looks like maybe a little palmation on the 7 between his right 2 & 3 starting ??? I'd stiffen either. Good luck with them - or any others that show up come rut.

yep....that damn bears keep tearing the pen gate off to get to the super mega buck speaking of bears i had one mess with one of my cams...luckily it wasnt damaged...just turned around on the post.

Unfortunately i dont get to shoot at the Bowhunters Festival anymore....I'm the guy that runs the Running i dont get much time during the festival to do much of anything. But I have shot at that target ALOT in my grandfather invented it! The bowfest runs deep in my blood. I have only ever missed one in my 35 yrs of life. My son is 4th generation Running Deer Crew....he's only 22 months old and has already had some seat time at the controls.

Here we are with the tribute deer for my grandfather at last year's Bowhunters Festival. My grandfather passed away about a month before the festival. We had a big tribute ceremony for him. We had one of the running deer targets set up for people to sign and then we threw the target on and made one run down the track with a moment of silence. it was nice.


I have to run down to the fairgrounds tonight to meet the REC guy with bucket truck to point the new lights at the track and shooting line for night safer night shooting this year. The festival is September 18th, 19th, and 20th this year.
Sorry to hear of your Grand-Dad's passing. Nice tribute to him though. Good to see " the Boss " on the deer !! Another generation of outdoorsman ..... always a good thing.

Good looking bucks in the pix, Phil. I hope more start showing up for you. The eats you plant keep the does/fawns happy & hanging around .... so you know the boys will show up. Keep us posted on who shows !!
Really cool that the little guy will grow up and have folks walk up and say "hey kid, I knew your great-grandad when he used to run this machine.":cool:
Really cool that the little guy will grow up and have folks walk up and say "hey kid, I knew your great-grandad when he used to run this machine.":cool:
Yes it is!