Wild Thing
5 year old buck +
This - Works wonderful for me. Then broadcast rye over the brassicas a few weeks later. Does not hamper the growth of your brassicas at all and it…provides great spring and summer forage for your deer, keeps your soil covered after the brassicas have been consumed, keeps weeds at bay…keeps your soil covered…keeps living roots in your soil for as many days throughout the year as possible…you get the pictureA few of us are doing like you and will nuke our clovers in July to plant a fall brasica mix. I'm doing this.....however will be adding 3 different clovers and chicory to the tune of 8 lbs added to my brassica mix. This will up my seeds pounds to 13 in the small seed box (and I am putting radish in the large box to boot). The brassica is said to quickly establish and tends to shade-out and suppress the clover as the clover develops roots for next spring's growth (when the brassica is toast). In spring you got deer food for your deer and a nitrogen source for future crops. This plan is golden.....What's not to like?