Field Road Maintenance

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bat man

Those who have experience, what is your favorite tool or sequence for field road maintenance. I have an 8 foot grader (little guy) I can crown the field roads with. I would likely need to best way to rough up the road and then pack it firm again?
Lots will depend on the soils in that field road. My land is it works pretty easy. On my trails......after getting the timber off......I grind the stumps out. Then I pull my disc over it and drag it some until reasonably smooth for low speed travel. Oftentimes I till mine and then plant clover on it.

On non cultivated trails and on the gravel / dirt road in front of my place. I use my box blade to move dirt......and a landscape rake to grade the road (works better than a blade IMO).

My neighbor has quite a bit of traffic (he built the road years ago) and tears up the road pretty bad. We really need some class 5 and gravel on it....but we get along.

I JUST THIS MORNING saw a good old road grader for sale on Brainerd Craigs List. $500. Pulls with a ball hitch. Looks nice for road grading.
I have that same grader less the front axle. There is a hole that slides right over my ball. Used it on the driveway 2 years ago after roughing with a brush disc and the results were Camry like.
I have that same grader less the front axle. There is a hole that slides right over my ball. Used it on the driveway 2 years ago after roughing with a brush disc and the results were Camry like.

"Camry Like" huh. New term for me. Is that a good thing?.....or bad? Was considering buying it myself for 1/4 mile road in front of my place.

The driveway is pretty rough from all the traffic to my resident neighbor's place. My neighbor is the one that really needs it.....and I offered to pay 1/2 if he'd chip in the other half (he lives past my place and could really use it). He declined the offer. Duh!

It's really hard to grade a road without a blade positioned between two axels.....IMO. I have a tractor and fair amount of equipment....but a smooth grade is elusive without the right implement.