Federal trappers are back

DNR worried about party hunting.....that's funny too!

2 Game wardens in MN drafted an idea several years ago to combat the crosstagging/party hunting issues. It was shot down by either the legislator or the top brass in the DNR.

The wardens are WELL aware of the problem. I spoke to our warden last fall about the topic and she said that the number one ticket she hands out now is cross tagging violations.

Its an epidemic when permit allocations get more strict. People are looking for any way possible to take deer, whereas when its a liberal tag allocation year, people are able to acquire additional permits with ease.
Get rid of cross tagging. It will keep the honest people honest, and let the COs hunt down the pigs that continue to play games......

Wishful thinking.... :(
Hey now! I can put on as many layers of clothes as I need to keep warm, I can only take off so many clotheso_O before I start to offend people, scare small children, and get arrested!:eek:
Damn it! I deleted my post instead of updating it - Now Wisc just looks like an Idiot! Hahahaha!!!!

Anyway - I called Wisc a Wus!:D

I was trying to update my post to say I would not go any further south than KY - I am a firm believer in that good soil grows good deer. If the area won;t grow a decent corn crop - I'm looking elsewhere! Lots of good soil and rolling hills in the Ohio River valley states.
Not the first time I've looked like an idiot and surely not the last! I like your reasoning on the KY thing as well.
Killing a nice buck is harder than getting a 29 hand these days.

Been playing my WHOLE life never got one!! I have had the hand 3 times, I cut for it once and two other times people cut for me. All three times the 5 was in the cut deck! I know a person who has had two of them! One in her hand and one in her crib!! Who would toss a 5 and Jack in another person's crib?? The hand was 7,7,8,8,J,5 and he dumped the 5 and the J. Ok.. I would do the same!! :) I double skunked a few people!! That is pretty rare! My best friend had TWO 28 hands in one game and LOST!!!
We were able to ban party hunting for bucks in SE MN, so it's certainly not out of the question in other areas of MN.

My experience is the opposite of everyone else's - I see 5X more deer on my land in SE MN than my land in NW WI. It's not even close. I have permission to hunt a couple other farms in SE MN that are owned by friends or neighbors and these farms are not managed for deer in any way and the hunting there is still far better than my land in WI.

MDHA's stance on baiting is that its unethical. I'd imagine that stance is based on the idea that baiting offers an unfair advantage to take a deer. If that's the case, how is cross tagging any different? Guy A doesn't see a deer for whatever reason(s), but Guy B sees a number of them. Guy B shoots a deer for Guy A...how is that any more "ethical" than a guy dumping a couple gallons of corn or apples out so he can fill his (own) tag?

It'll never happen, but if MDHA took a stand on crosstagging we'd have a chance at eliminating the practice.

If we get one guy to take a picture with 12 different bucks he 'cross tagged' and got them all in ODN and all over Facebook I bet we could get some traction. Maybe I will slide into Ripley and ask guys if I can take my picture with their deer. Be some good coverage if the guy was me.
Carolina's are hot and humid unless you're up in the hills. KY is a beautiful state. Much further South and you don't get the seasons anymore, but you get 250 growing days, so that's got perks. In GA they have skeeters that rival ours for lift capacity, and they don't get the winter off from them.

If we could do lottery buck for a couple years and no doe tags it would cripple the DNR's budget and our herd would rebound quickly. I know that's not going to happen, just like I know no one will ever spot check a dead animal to issue a possession tag. We're talking about solutions, not what we're going to see happen. :(
If we get one guy to take a picture with 12 different bucks he 'cross tagged' and got them all in ODN and all over Facebook I bet we could get some traction. Maybe I will slide into Ripley and ask guys if I can take my picture with their deer. Be some good coverage if the guy was me.

I had a buddy in Cloquet who posted pics on fb of him and another guy with 6 buck skull plates from that year. All shot on other people's tags. We don't talk anymore.
This, and this alone is really the core issue we face.

How do we turn a state full of meat hogs into one that cares about the resource? I'm leaning towards...we don't
Agrred. Asking for that is comparable to asking the residents in the ghetto to take care of and clean up their neighborhood. For every 1 that gives a crap, there are 99 that don't.
We were able to ban party hunting for bucks in SE MN, so it's certainly not out of the question in other areas of MN.

My experience is the opposite of everyone else's - I see 5X more deer on my land in SE MN than my land in NW WI. It's not even close. I have permission to hunt a couple other farms in SE MN that are owned by friends or neighbors and these farms are not managed for deer in any way and the hunting there is still far better than my land in WI.
Ben don't be telling these guys this, we gotta keep them out. The hunting sucks in se mn!
This, and this alone is really the core issue we face.

How do we turn a state full of meat hogs into one that cares about the resource? I'm leaning towards...we don't

Thats what they said about the DNR getting audited.

I really believe in the power of a good cooperative. My 240 sits in the middle of 1,100 acres where does became taboo 2 years ago.

These public events that set no rules and let people make educated harvest decisions only have to be implemented by 50% of the neighborhood for real change. Give them the knowledge and let them live with their decisions. I would not sell it short. I have seen it work.
We were able to ban party hunting for bucks in SE MN, so it's certainly not out of the question in other areas of MN.
It may be banned in the books, but I know of a number of guys who still do it over there. The trouble is, you'll never prove it, not even for a minute. It is one of those laws that is almost unenforceable without actual visual proof by a CO. It keeps the borderline guys a bit more honest, but the real violators will not worry about it.
It may be banned in the books, but I know of a number of guys who still do it over there. The trouble is, you'll never prove it, not even for a minute. It is one of those laws that is almost unenforceable without actual visual proof by a CO. It keeps the borderline guys a bit more honest, but the real violators will not worry about it.
Doesn't matter the hunting sucks in se mn, carry on with the grumbling......
It may be banned in the books, but I know of a number of guys who still do it over there. The trouble is, you'll never prove it, not even for a minute. It is one of those laws that is almost unenforceable without actual visual proof by a CO. It keeps the borderline guys a bit more honest, but the real violators will not worry about it.

I agree with you about the violators. But I'm also confident that fewer bucks are cross tagged today than a few years ago when it was legal. So it's not perfect, but still better than nothing in my opinion.
I agree with you about the violators. But I'm also confident that fewer bucks are cross tagged today than a few years ago when it was legal. So it's not perfect, but still better than nothing in my opinion.
Ben just shake your head and say the hunting sucks in mn.
Ben just shake your head and say the hunting sucks in mn.
I find it funny how you constantly are on the MN guys about complaining over no deer yet you have no concept of what the situation is. You yourself talk about having too many deer, a problem I would trade in a heart beat, and don't understand the difficulties some of us are dealing with. I hunt in Pine County which for years has been regarded as one of the best counties in MN to hunt. My grandpa used to drink at Jim Jordan's bar. You are pampered in regards to deer hunting. I will admit, I am jealous. My family has poured countless hours and thousands of dollars into our property and are now left with a deer desert thanks to hunters, the DNR, and wolves. You just don't understand and never will.

Good luck hunting this year, I hope you get to pass many 3 and 4 year old bucks.
Dont worry though my days are coming with Cwd. I'm going to loose far far more than a few thousand dollars for the investment in my property.

Where has CWD affected property values?
And if your investment is about to go bad...
why not move, sell, get a different hobby?