5 year old buck +
I have been planting chinkapin oaks at the Tickranch. They are highly preferred, right at the top of the list. Okay, so tied with swamp white oak. The advantage for the chinkapins is that they will start making acorns at a younger age. Also turkeys like the small size of the acorn. If we are including shrubs, you should consider black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa). I have some on high ground and some low and as long as you have full sun they will do well. Deer love them so they need some protection for a couple of years. They are a two season plant as deer eat the leaves in the spring and the berries in the fall. Another good one that is under appreciated is nanny berry. My avatar photo is of nanny berry. You might have some growing naturally in Wisconsin. If you find one while out this fall give it some love. It is worth planting if you don't have any.
Thanks do they use the nanny berry similar to the choke berry?
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