Fall 2018 Buck.

White Birch Farm

5 year old buck +
This buck first began appearing in the fall of 2016 (bottom pic), at which time I estimated his age at 4.5. With him returning this fall at what I believed to be 6.5 he was one of the top three bucks on my hit list.
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Funny I just filled out my order on line today and my numbers start with W18-01093.
You obviously ordered sooner and have a higher #.

No biggy just caugh my eye.

And he’s a brute!
Congrats! Thats a big OLD buck!
Funny I just filled out my order on line today and my numbers start with W18-01093.
You obviously ordered sooner and have a higher #.

No biggy just caugh my eye.

And he’s a brute!

You use deerage? I sent the drop tine bucks teeth off early December.
You use deerage? I sent the drop tine bucks teeth off early December.

I did. New owners, usually I fill things out and send my teeth in. This time their sending me something special to put them in to send back???
I did. New owners, usually I fill things out and send my teeth in. This time their sending me something special to put them in to send back???
I did. New owners, usually I fill things out and send my teeth in. This time their sending me something special to put them in to send back???

Yea. Fill out application and pay online and they send out a packet. Hope to get results soon.
When the Democrats make their mark with ”living wages”, their mark simply becomes higher costs for you and I. I would much rather send the teeth off and let them organize things. However, with punishing government regulations and artificially high wages I cant blame them for streamlining their business and making us do half their order entry work.

That process is far more effective than placing mafia like politicians and organized labor in their workstreams. If it wasnt, they would be paying someone to fill out the forms we are now filing out ourselves.
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Awesome buck. I emailed the new owner and told them I thought their new procedure was stupid. They basically said they suck at record keeping and couldn't keep the teeth straight themselves even though the tooth and registration was originally sent together. Too complicated to keep the tooth with the paper.

Seemed to me like the problem was in their end, so I'm looking for a new aging source.