IF you don't have good soil I do think crimson cover can help you. However, guys on here says it can take over your plot. I do believe you should plant some stuff deer don't like to eat, to promote soil health over time from residue / roots. However, most guys on here report deer don't really eat crimson clover much.
If your the type that doesn't like spraying things dead, I'd lean toward medium red clover instead. Also, I have not had any luck frost seeding crimson clover. Make sure you plant it after the frosts are done. Medium red is fine to frost seed.
IF you can't get the area read in time, atleast plant a small test site.
How long has the site been harvested / stumps removed. ID anything growing there in its place? Usually predominate growth can help dictate soil condition.
I am in a hunting club in the adirondacks in NY. My club rents about 650 acres. I plant in old log landing spots, snowmobile trails, and any openings I can clean up. Sandy low pH soil. Organic matter is very variable. One spot that stuff washes down the hill is like potting soil. Some spots are like quarries. Can have 2 extreme's 100 feet apart sometimes. IF you would like to get into apple trees, anty rootstock seems to like my soil.
Got some high tannin water, probably from all the tree decomposition. Water is like red clay tinted. I am suspecting it does something to the taste of clover. Deer don't like it a ton, snowshoe hare love it though. And it's good for the soil. Fertilizer is epxensive, but more importantly I only have a 1/2 ton pickup already loaded with junk. So it's hard to bring a ton of stuff with me.
If using lime or fertilizer. Sandy soil can only hold a fraction of the nutrients clay can. I use 500lbs/acre a year of lime in my better spots. I use 60-80 lbs / acre of triple 12 or 6-24-24. IF trying to make a bumper crop, fertilize small amounts twice. I try to avoid fertilizer, but realise I need to make organic matter over a few years in some of the poorer spots.
You may need to spot treat spots too because the soil may not be uniform. I have a plot that one side need help and the other side is good. IT's only a 1/3 acre spot too.