Establishing new plot in spring


Yearling... With promise
I have a new plot that was cleared this winter. I have not tested the soil but the soil is sandy. Previously the area was a mix of oaks, tag alder, dead ash and red cedar. I am assuming ph is low but will need to confirm with a test. I am wondering what would be a good cover crop to establish this spring to hold me over to the fall when I want to try to establish a clover/chicory plot.
You could plant a mix of oats and field peas early in the spring and it would be a good combo to smother some weeds while also providing food for wildlife. That mix will get pretty tall and produce a lot of organic matter, which is always a good thing for sandy soil.
Buckwheat and follow up with rye as a cover crop for the clover/chicory in the fall.
Every answer you got would be good choices. Are you going to overseed what you plant in the spring or use the spring planting as a green manure for the fall planting?
I think the peas and oats would be the best thing to also attract deer to your plots. jmo
You could plant clover and chicory with the other spring plantings and then just overseed more clover and chicory as needed in the fall to fill in any thinner spots. I'd throw some cereal rye on top of the clover and chicory also in the fall but not so thick that it smothers. jmo
You mentioned oaks. Is the ground heavily disturbed, like removing large stumps. Many places have a relatively thin topsoil section, and lesser quality stuff down deeper.

Rye is a great plant for low quality soil sites, if your site is one. Rye grows taller than other plants. You can use that tall stuff as a trellice for viney plants. Hairy vetch is good for sandy soils. Peas will climb up the rye too.

I always put legumes in any planting. Helps make nitrogen. Keep it simple with medium red clover. I am still researching clovers for sandy soil myself. But medium red does ok.

If you suspect your going to have deeper soils sruface to the top, get that soil tested. Keep in mind sandy soil takes alot less to steer it around than clay soil does. Top raise soil pH or add nutrients like potassium or phosphorus, the sandy soil doesn't hold alot. Got to go slow with sandy soil.

Get a deep layer and get a topsoil one. Stirred up soil is going to be a mix.

Ive seen good spots turn almost barren with a good stir of a bulldozer.
New plot, sandy soil, former forested site is almost certainly going to be low in pH and low in nutrients. Until you can get your soil tested and bring the OM and pH up I would do rye and/or buckwheat. If it's a small plot and you want to try clover in the late summer it can't hurt. But if it's a large plot I think you'll just be throwing money away.