Electric fence musts

  • Thread starter Thread starter dipper
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Dipper nice doe !
They work. After 2 failed attempts without I set up a Gallagher system on a 3 ac Soybean plot and it worked great.

IMG_2128_zpsyirs5yud.jpg IMG_1654_zpsdg6ygs5w.jpg
What are you using for a charger
I added one this year around a corn and beans plot. Using a small solar charger I got at tractor supply. Zareba, i think for $99. Working good. I used an Egyptian wheat screen to control where deer entered the plot before. We could only get a sudax this year and it is not that tall. I am thinking I will just move the fence to just around the sudax in October to control access.
I reccomend the Parmak solar unit. It is rated for 30 miles and packs a punch!! I have mine around the compound we built to protect our bee hives from bear.
X2 on the Parmak solar units. I have 3 of them and have been using the first one for 4 years now. They work great. I use the 2 fence, 3 wire system and it works fine. The first year I used 1 strand of regular metal wire for the bottom wire on the inside fence and then used polytape for the other two wires. The last couple years I used all 3 strands of polytape and this year I used 2 strands of polyrope for the inside fence and 1 strand of polytape for the outside fence. They all worked equally well although there is no question that the polytape provides more visual deterence. The only issues I have had is when I have allowed vegetation to grow up and ground out the fence. If you keep it bare with roundup or weed whack the vegetation to keep it away from the fence they work flawlessly.

I used the Gallagher B100, mainly because that's what my wife got me for Christmas. I have a great wife!!! I pretty much just went to the Gallagher site and ordered everything, which is really not the most cost effective way to do it but I was short on time as always and just wanted to get everything ready to go with as little fuss as possible..
So wildthing is the battery in the back of the unit ? What do you use to wind this up in the winter ?

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Another vote for the Parmak unit
So wildthing is the battery in the back of the unit ? What do you use to wind this up in the winter ?
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The lid, with the solar panel lifts up with maybe only a flat screw driver needed to pry it up. You access the battery inside the box. I don't even need to charge the batteries up when I take them down in the winter. If the batteries need a little boost in the spring you can either hook them up to a trickle charger or just reconnect the connectors on the solar unit and set it out in the sun for a day or two. I just disconnect the 2 QD connectors and store the batteries in the insulated part of the barn where they won't freeze.

I use either electrical extension cord caddies or the original spool (with a handle attached) to spool up the wire for winter storage. It comes down much faster than it goes up.

This type of E-Fence is actually much less complicated than it may seem. I knew virtually nothing about electric fence before I started using it. Once you set it up once you will learn which connectors and insulators are needed where and it is smooth sailing from there. Most all directions I read called for 3 ground rods - 10' apart but I have never used more than 2 and it has always worked great. Other than the Parmak solar charger, everything I use I was able to purchase at Tractor Supply. It is a little expensive to buy everything initially but once you buy it there is no further expense and you can use everything year after year.

I use steel T-Posts for the corner posts and fiberglass rods every 30' for line posts. Accessories I find useful are in-line wire tensioners and a volt meter to test the fence from time to time so see if you have a weed or something reducing your voltage.

I will post a few more pics for you.
Here are a few more pics:
