Very little daytime activity throughout december, even on the cold mornings.
Before christmas placed a small order of trees, just to see how much time and effort and money it would take before ordering 200 and getting started. purchased mats, tubes, stakes, but forgot my mulch to cover after. Had 20 "free" trees from arbor day after joining for my family and my parents.
The first 10 were a mix of white and red oaks, spaced at 30 ft. the picture is with my stand behind me and turnip plot to my right.

The next 10 were a mix of shrubs and trees for wildlife, viburnum, plum, crabapple and such. They were planted along side my turnip plot. Last year pears were planted on opposite side of the food plot and have the black corrugated pipe on them which will be removed before summer. these trees were spaced at 20 ft. Turnips leaf are gone, but lots of bulbs remain.

The back portion of the farm we havent been able to get to with tractor so not at much work done back there. But with the atv, drag and some rye it has turned out fairly well. Seeded this plot with rye on sept 20 after hurricane, great germination but no rain for 6 weeks. Reseeded without dragging or cultipack before rain and again had great germination for simply broadcasting. Due to heavy rain some areas were thick and some areas were thin, the deer definitely favored the really thick areas!

20 trees took about 2 hours to plant by myself, including clearing a spot, staking, tubing, putting down a mat and giving the tree 2 gallons of water from clorox jugs.