5 year old buck +
Are you mixing the Eagle & Ag so the the taller eagle gets browsed first or each in separate plots?
Mixing them did not work well for me. If the beans hit the tipping point and canopy it doesn't matter, deer can't keep up with them and the Eagle beans just overwhelm the ag beans. If you don't hit the tipping point, the deer kill the ag beans and the eagle beans survive but are naked all summer.
In general, deer browse fields from the outside in (from the side closest to cover). One strategy I've seen guys use that works is to plant ag beans in the center of the field and Eagle beans on the perimeter. If you get the relative ratio right, deer will hit the Eagle beans first (not cause they are taller but because they are closer to cover), and the ag beans will become established so they can withstand browsing. I have not done this myself, but I have mixed them in the seed bin and ended up with no ag beans.
My purpose was a little different. Eagle beans stay green to late for me to broadcast a cover crop into them. I ended up having to actually bushhog lanes through the beans where I broadcast a cover crop. I thought that if I planted ag beans mixed with Eagle beans the ag beans would turn yellow early and provide enough sun for me to broadcast a cover crop. No beans in the field yellowed early. It was because the Eagle beans simply outcompeted the ag beans.