Don't shoot deer you don't have tags for...


5 year old buck +
Original Story

Inside story/details after it all shook out

Neighboring county to where I hunt, guy lives in our community, just saw a giant deer and couldn't contain himself. $30k??? Imagine how much T&M you could do with $30k...
One year suspension of his hunting privileges?
It isn't nearly enough, but he'll probably keep poaching anyway.
Why would we expect that he will follow that order when he doesn't follow laws, anyway?
Ouch! 30k put a hurting on a man! Agree with Tap that one yr suspension isn’t enough! I’ve bent the rules in my youth. With 4 kids I have an example to set now. Legal beagle is the only way to go!
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One year suspension of his hunting privileges?
It isn't nearly enough, but he'll probably keep poaching anyway.
Why would we expect that he will follow that order when he doesn't follow laws, anyway?
That was my thought.

He's a bachelor and a bunch of folks from the area were upset because he just paid the fine and moved on... Seemed like it didn't hurt enough.
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I agree...shouldn't matter antlers or not. You break the law you should be slapped around. They should suspend his license for at least 5 years...but that may not stop him. The $30K fine...I like that. That's gonna sting even if he just paid it. He isn't going to publicly let anyone know it hurts...that would just be adding salt to the wound of his actions. He will play it off like it's no big deal. How the local community handles it will be telling. Especially in small communities if this follows him, that may be the best thing to come out of it. This guy needs a "scarlet letter" of shame! I would toss in some public service time as well.... If I was in charge they would be picking up trash and the like in public areas and on their backs they would have to wear signs stating what they where in trouble for (Theif, Meth Head, Poacher). I think some public humiliation would be in order.... but that is why I guess I'm not in charge.
$30K dollar restitution? Thats great but what are they going to do with the money? Grow another 220" buck in a test tube?

The fine should be given to all of the hunters within a ( ? ) mile radius of where the deer was shot, they are who the crime was against.
If that was in MO he would have recieved a slap on the wrist and still have his hunting license the next day.

Wish we had $30k fines.
If it was a doe nobody would have gave a shit. Funny how antlers blur perception.
I would still give a shit.
I've had enough of scum bags in our society. I don't care if it's a poacher, a border crasher, an identity thief, fake news anchor, even a litter bug or the guy that insists on spitting his chew on the sidewalk. The lack of ethics, morality, and common decency in our society is woeful.
I don't know how I feel about this issue. In my opinion this deer was not poached. We have a close family friend who had something similar to this happen a number of years ago.

Party hunting and cross tagging was the normal for many years in my area. Then APR's and reg. changes came in. The BS surrounding the deer that this friend of mine shot was that the 207" gross typical was shot first and the smaller 10 point was shot second. If it was one year earlier there would have been no problem at all. Guess what deer the DNR took? It sure as hell wasnt the 130" ten that was harvested "illegally".
I would still give a shit.
I've had enough of scum bags in our society. I don't care if it's a poacher, a border crasher, an identity thief, fake news anchor, even a litter bug or the guy that insists on spitting his chew on the sidewalk. The lack of ethics, morality, and common decency in our society is woeful.

Thats fine and dandy and I get where you are coming from. Lets just say we never would have heard about it.
If he didn't have a tag valid for that deer then it was definitely poached. It's pretty easy to follow the rules, but people get greedy and it takes away opportunities from everyone else. If everyone could just pick and choose which rules they want to follow there wouldn't be much left.
If he didn't have a tag valid for that deer then it was definitely poached. It's pretty easy to follow the rules, but people get greedy and it takes away opportunities from everyone else. If everyone could just pick and choose which rules they want to follow there wouldn't be much left.

Not saying you are wrong or that I am right. To me it's more of a grey area.

Example just to see how people may view this because I know it happens MUCH MORE than people realize. (maybe not as much today with electronic reporting but....)

A deer is shot legally in every way but is not registered. Is it poached? I know in MN you are required to register all deer.

My grey area is vast. (in what I view as NBD.)

I am very hesitant to type this and in no way saying that I am not hunting within the boundaries of the game regulations even though the first time I post a picture of a big buck I will be viewed as a poacher by some and I'm ok with that because I know how I hunt) but......

Basically to me If its shot during the season, during legal shooting hours, with a legal weapon for the time and area, your not exceeding bag limits (I'm aware that If your not licensed the bag limit is zero i just dont care if someone buys one or not), your not baiting (if its illegal in your area), and your not trespassing, I could care less no matter how big or small the buck or doe is.

Let the crucifixion begin.
I doubt that they will ever collect $1 of the fine against this poacher. The Amish own nothing. Their church owns everything; all their land and improvements on it. I guess they might own their buggies and livestock to pull said vehicles. Maybe the county can put a lien on their buggy when they don't get paid. They pay no property taxes. They sure know how to work the system to their advantage. They get free dental and health care as they are "poor".
I have a friend who has Amish as near by neighbors. They are trespassers and poachers. When they get caught trespassing nothing happens to them as the local DA refuses to prosecute them. They will shoot any deer they see to feed their broods.
Biggest bunch of ^^^holes around.
I doubt that they will ever collect $1 of the fine against this poacher. The Amish own nothing. Their church owns everything; all their land and improvements on it. I guess they might own their buggies and livestock to pull said vehicles. Maybe the county can put a lien on their buggy when they don't get paid. They pay no property taxes. They sure know how to work the system to their advantage. They get free dental and health care as they are "poor".
I have a friend who has Amish as near by neighbors. They are trespassers and poachers. When they get caught trespassing nothing happens to them as the local DA refuses to prosecute them. They will shoot any deer they see to feed their broods.
Biggest bunch of ^^^holes around.

Unless I read the article wrong, he already paid up.

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I can't stand them either. About a week ago there was an Amish man arrested for sodomizing his son. I checked out the county bail roster today and low and behold he's not on it. What gives?
I don't know how I feel about this issue. In my opinion this deer was not poached. We have a close family friend who had something similar to this happen a number of years ago.

Party hunting and cross tagging was the normal for many years in my area. Then APR's and reg. changes came in. The BS surrounding the deer that this friend of mine shot was that the 207" gross typical was shot first and the smaller 10 point was shot second. If it was one year earlier there would have been no problem at all. Guess what deer the DNR took? It sure as hell wasnt the 130" ten that was harvested "illegally".

Ohio is a 1 buck, non-party hunting state. Heck you're not supposed to shoot anther deer until you tag the first one.
He explicitly broke the law.
I doubt that they will ever collect $1 of the fine against this poacher. The Amish own nothing. Their church owns everything; all their land and improvements on it. I guess they might own their buggies and livestock to pull said vehicles. Maybe the county can put a lien on their buggy when they don't get paid. They pay no property taxes. They sure know how to work the system to their advantage. They get free dental and health care as they are "poor".
I have a friend who has Amish as near by neighbors. They are trespassers and poachers. When they get caught trespassing nothing happens to them as the local DA refuses to prosecute them. They will shoot any deer they see to feed their broods.
Biggest bunch of ^^^holes around.
Careful... May be true of some of them, but it's a far cry from universally true. And that makes what you're saying a bigoted response.

I'm a generation removed from the Amish, speak the language, live in the middle of the second largest amish settlement in the world (I think Lancaster Co PA has surpassed us). The Amish are like any other ethnicity, there are good ones, bad ones, and indifferent ones. Just like Methodists, Catholics, Jews, etc... They also vary greatly depending on where they're at. To blanketly state that they "own nothing" is one of the most ignorant things I've seen online in a while.

The guys I hunt with own hundreds of acres of hunting, healthy and flourishing businesses, pay more tax than you probably ever will, and absolutely play by the rules and pay their own way.

There are differences from the rest of the world, some good and some bad. But to call them all the "biggest bunch of A holes around" says a lot more about you than it does about them.

If you read my post above you'd see this guy paid the fine.

The guys I hunt with have let more 150" deer walk in the last 5 years than I've had a shot at in the woods. They don't get free dental and healthcare. They pay out of pocket and thru a fund that's run by the church.

You touched on a sensitive subject with me, and obviously a subject you don't know nearly as much about as you let on. The counties they live in have vacant land selling for $50-60K/ acre because it's in demand, and they're able to buy it to build a house on. Unemployment and violent crime are nearly non-existent. I'd be happy to elaborate on this thing if people want me to, but suffice it to say, your post missed the mark regarding the vast majority of Amish.
If it was a doe nobody would have gave a shit. Funny how antlers blur perception.

The "size of the rack escalator" is somewhat controversial. However, one could argue that an antlerless deer is statistically 50-60% or more of the population. A 230" deer is a statistical unicorn, thus holding greater value.

I agree with your post in theory, but I know to me shooting a doe doesn't hold the thrill that shooting a big buck does. Maybe I'm in the minority
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Ohio is a 1 buck, non-party hunting state. Heck you're not supposed to shoot anther deer until you tag the first one.
He explicitly broke the law.

I understand the rules/regulations just fine but again its a grey area in my mind. I wore my seat belt on the way to work and used my turn signal but didn't set my cruise control.

Just to clear up one thing which is FACT. The hunter didn't break a single LAW. (at least none that the article mentioned)

I'm not trying to condone what he did, just expressing an opinion on the matter. This is more me having way to much time on my hands this time of year than anything.

In my area of Minnesota rifles are also illegal. Unless, the barrel is under 15" of course then shoot away. So again to ME if my neighbors shot a deer with a "traditional" rifle BFD.