Don't plant those seeds


5 year old buck +
Did everyone see this? It's on
WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) -- If you've gotten seeds in the mail that appear to be from China and that you didn't order, departments of agriculture across the country advise you not to plant them.
The Kansas Department of Agriculture said that several Kansas residents have received such packages. They may be labeled as jewelry or have Chinese writing on "Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across the United States over the last several days," the KDA said. One Wichita resident apparently received an unsolicited package of seeds, and the package said it contained a "wire connector."
The types of seeds are unknown, and the KDA is asking that people not plant them. They could be invasive species, introduce diseases to other plants here, or harm livestock, according to the KD
I read about this. I thought they were being added to things bought over seas but nope just random packages of seeds. I wonder if the agencies are growing them in a bubble to see what they are.
Same thing happening here in VA. Just another part of the international competition. The more internal issues a government has to deal with, the less efficient they are at competition. It is kind of an extreme example of asymmetric warfare. The cold battle space is quite diverse.
I heard it on a local news story on the radio.
Given the nature of Chinese Geo/Political expansion, & that their business development & military goals are the same ... these seeds are most likely invasive species that will spread prolifically and impact/hinder our crop/food production here in the US.

They could also be host plants for invasive insects or parasites.

They are counting on that even if you don't plant them, they will be thrown out and end up in a landfill and eventually grow.
Follow up on this
I planted mine before the warning came out and they sprouted Michael Dukakis for president signs. I guess it was left over seed...…………...

Definitely a crop that fell short and failed ...
I hope Trump does something about this. Another round of sanctions perhaps.

You discovered a crop/tree that Steve CANT grow?
