dipper, you are absolutely correct in that the whole area will have massive regen and will fill in completely with vegetation in short order. The issue is, between the stump sprouts and the massive amount of seed on the ground from all the maple trees, the primary regen will be maples and they will leave little room for other species to grow. Now we all know that maples get browsed, but as SD stated, how long will they be productive? With no oaks on his property, Brad cannot possibly expect to have very much, if any, natural regen of oaks on his place to produce mast when the trees start to mature. When those maples are all 10'-15' tall(which won't take very many years at all), then what does he have? Again as SD stated, a near desert after they start to get a good shading canopy. And then it would be his luck that the understory would fill in with some nasty invasive instead of the desirable shrubs he is talking about planting. Besides that he will have some cash burning a hole in his pocket from the logging, ;) so he wants to spend it on some shrubs for habitat, not unlike yourself having money burning a hole in your pocket that you decided to spend on an overpriced boat.