I am lucky to live in a state that has millions of acres of public land. In addition to that, there are large tracts of timber and coal company owned land that is accessible with permission. So yes, I hunt it a lot and love it. Many of the areas are bow only and some areas have APR restrictions. Tough land to hunt but trophy status rivals many midwestern states. My favorite hunting is " still " hunting with any weapon and these large tracts make that much easier than on smaller private tracts. In addition, no motorized vehicles, some areas are even aircraft and cell service dead zones. A wilderness experience thats cheap and easy to access. Even during rifle season, skip the first 3 days, and you can walk miles w/o seeing or hearing another person. Best have your back in shape cause it can be a long drag. And if you are gonna shoot, it's going to be a buck worth taking. I love my land, but hopefully can do these hunts for a long time yet.