Different chestnuts!

I just got a pound of maraval nuts. Some are the size of a golfball. Now I agree, I really do not care for the larger I would rather have a lot of small ones rather than fewer larger ones. I have several trees that produce a much smaller nut. The reason I am growing these is that they are root rot and blight resistant AND they are very late droppers. In Washington st they drop late October. I am hoping here in the south they will drop a little later than that.
I think the picture is likely deceiving. First, look at where the nuts are relative to the hands. The top nut is at the last knuckle of the middle finger and the bottom is around the base of the thumb. I'm almost 6' 1" tall, and I don't have small hands. On me, that measures 5". So, if those were my hands, the nuts would each be about 1.6" tall presuming they are touching. The front left nut is about 3 fingers wide. That measures bout 2 1/4" on my hand. Next, look at the fingernails. I would guess those are the hands of a woman and likely smaller than my hands.

Big nuts, yes, but not as large as they look in the picture. I'm guessing the camera lens has a lot to do with the optics. In every batch of Dunstan chestnuts I buy, there are always a few unusually large ones.


appears to be a female hand too jack...much smaller hands i would guess
VERY informative link with sublinks to various chestnut species...click on the sub-links for each species and many of the sub-links show nuts next to a quarter for size reference sake.


I HONESTLY don't have any dog in this fight (planted about a dozen Chinese this year and know they'll have fairly small nuts), but per the earlier weight information shared the very biggest nuts of those species producing the largest nuts, such as Maravel and Gillet, will be a little over twice the size of average sized Dunstans and about six times the size of average sized Chinese chestnuts.

No reason to really debate back and forth over size. Google searches can provide no shortage of pictures showing identified gram weights. And AGAIN, big nuts DON'T speak to size of tree being correspondingly large nor total volume even being equal to Dunstan or Chinese (some of the bigger nuts come from smaller trees). Per the link I'm sharing species vary quite a bit in pollinating abilities, blight resistance, etc. and enough information is out there that folks should be able to figure out what they want to try growing.
I'm not sure there is much of a fight. Someone got upset when I commented on the picture (not the nuts or information). Evidently they thought it was obvious that the picture was deceptive and I should not have pointed it out. Other than that, I think all the information you and others have provided has been useful.

I also agree that the size of the nut is a second order consideration when it comes to planting chestnuts. Those other factors are much more important in many cases. The nut size may go to the usability by some wildlife.


"Someone got upset when I commented on the picture (not the nuts or the information). Evidently they thought it was obvious that the picture was deceptive and I shouldn't have pointed it out."

No Jack. I don't care if you think the picture is deceptive, I don't care if you think they are big. You are nitpicking for the sake of arguing just to argue. Nitpick, nitpick, nitpick!
Here is my original post. Read it for content. Read the thread title. There is a total of one word that reference the size of the nuts. The point of the thread was to say; Hey guys look, there are other varieties of chestnut out there other than the ones we always talk about. You are the one who took this thread off course and turned it into some weird circle-jerk.
Now you are posting some passive aggressive crap justifying yourself. I gave my piece of mind then tried to drop it. But you can't or won't do that. I still don't know that you understand the point of the thread. Do you not get that the pic is just an example that there are other varieties of chestnut out there?

Saw these on a Facebook page. Huge! There are apparently quite a few varieties of chestnut out there. They are posting different one's all the time.

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"Someone got upset when I commented on the picture (not the nuts or the information). Evidently they thought it was obvious that the picture was deceptive and I shouldn't have pointed it out."

No Jack. I don't care if you think the picture is deceptive, I don't care if you think they are big. You are nitpicking for the sake of arguing just to argue. Nitpick, nitpick, nitpick!
Here is my original post. Read it for content. Read the thread title. There is a total of one word that reference the size of the nuts. The point of the thread was to say; Hey guys look, there are other varieties of chestnut out there other than the ones we always talk about. You are the one who took this thread off course and turned it into some weird circle-jerk.
Now you are posting some passive aggressive crap justifying yourself. I gave my piece of mind then tried to drop it. But you can't or won't do that. I still don't know that you understand the point of the thread. Do you not get that the pic is just an example that there are other varieties of chestnut out there?

No, I got the point of the thread. I had no problem with it. I didn't criticize it. BTW, my last post wasn't referring to you. I'm not trying to justify anything. No need. Simply replying to BigBendMarine that I don't see this as a fight at all. I did not see you posting the picture as deceptive at all. I think you simply made a reference to other options.

I think you may be mistaking civility for passive aggression. I've got no issue with you or your posts on this thread. Perhaps you have an issue with the point I made. As for me, there is no fight...


For those who may not have gotten the earlier ACDC reference I threw into the discussion I'm just going to leave this right here... hope sharing it doesn't get me in any hot water... not a single curse word in the song, and could be argued it's just about dances! ;)
