I have planted close to 1000 trees with a dibble. I think I'm over it, it sets the roots back a lot. I have also seen the slit open up in dry weather.
Going forward, if I ordered too many bare root trees to plant at once I would pot them up in old milk cartons or the ones from stuewe, then plant a couple at a time throughout the summer.
Also will never plant another tree without a plan for weed control and protection from deer. Norway spruce are one of the few trees that seem to do ok in old pastures and deer leave them alone. I am surrounded by old norway spruce plantations and I think it was a big mistake the CCC planted those instead of native hardwoods.
Going forward, if I ordered too many bare root trees to plant at once I would pot them up in old milk cartons or the ones from stuewe, then plant a couple at a time throughout the summer.
Also will never plant another tree without a plan for weed control and protection from deer. Norway spruce are one of the few trees that seem to do ok in old pastures and deer leave them alone. I am surrounded by old norway spruce plantations and I think it was a big mistake the CCC planted those instead of native hardwoods.