Deer That Survived 195 WSI

Any good bucks?
Always nice to see fawns. I have very few. Any bear on your property?

There are quite a few bears around. We have not had pictures of any since the end of July but I think that may be due to them spreading out for the plentiful berries and nuts this year.

We also have bobcats, coyotes, and wolves around but we haven't had any wolf pictures since February which is a good thing!

Deer above are on May 10 of last year. Date is wrong on the picture below, it is 4/20/15. They look a bit healthier this year compared to April and May of 2014.

MFDC0046 (2).JPG
They looked pretty thin last year! Should be a good year for fawns, hopefully the population bounces back quickly for you guys.
According to the MN DNR your property is over populated!
According to the MN DNR your property is over populated!

This food plot is < 1 acre, so I don't want to know what the MN DNR would calculate for DPSM!