Deer Shedding Antlers Yet

I'd say about 20-25% of them have already dropped their sheds on the ground I manage in IL, around 30% in central WI and I'd guess closer to 40% up north. The guy I work with in IL just sent me this about 30 mins ago. He's picked up around 20 already this year, while hinge cutting areas I've set him loose on. It's from a 4.5 year old buck that's seemingly in peak physical condition and extremely well fed.
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thats a nice piece of bone Steve! congrats to your guy on that one! I would say we are looking at about 10-15% dropped here in NE PA.....but that %will be growing with every day....the peak is getting closer and closer. with about 14-16" of snow on the ground in most places with lots of hip deep drifts....and plenty more snow on the way for us...I'm gonna stay put and for the next 2-3 weeks. I'm getting a little itchy
Saw a buck in Oakdale, MN last night with both antlers missing. Small pedicles so I would guess 1.5 or 2.5.
I saw over 70 deer yesterday, not one had an antler. ITs been weeks since I've seen an antler, with hundreds of deer.
When I checked the cameras last weekend, there were still multiple deer with horns on each side. I will know more when I check this weekend.
By us most bucks still have their antlers but some have fallen.
image.jpg According to my camera, in east central mn 1 of the two bucks on my property has shed. I took a swing around the woods to see if I could find any and stumbled on this guy. Last years shed, I'm assuming. I had photo's of this guy in the fall of '12 and '13 but not in '14. I walked by this shed 20-30 times this summer and fall, not sure how I didn't stumble on it. We had such a late spring last year that I just didn't get much walking in. He was a thick dude. I measured him at 65 1/8 and my roommate measured 66image.jpg
thats a real serious piece of bone right there...let alone for a 4 point side. congrats!
Just got pic of a 1.5 yr old buck on the wireless cam tonight with both antlers!
Pulled cards yesterday. Last picture of antlers was February 17. Plenty of pictures of bucks without antlers since .
got these two on the last card pull. the date stamp is one day that pick was taken on the 28th. one buck completely shed out and one buck still packing both sides.

i'm hoping the buck that is shed out is the one in the back of this pic....those two seem to spend time together.
Only one crappy beer to celebrate all of those?!? There should be a case of real beer plopped next to all of those! ;)
That is about the number I have found in a lifetime. That would be a lot of fun to spend a day on a packed piece of ground like that.

To be honest I have only found 3 or 4 when actually looking, usually stumble across them when doing something else.
Seen a pretty nice buck today in my sanctuary. He had both sides. They must be in great health.
I saw 2 bucks feeding 2 nights ago and they both had both sides. I'm thinking it's going to be the best antler growing season we've had in quite a while due to the mild winter. November can get here anytime!!
Anyone ever find the holy grail? Matches spikes?
I have a couple sets of matching spikes from when I was in high school. For one year only my dad planted 3 acres of corn behind our house. That spring, I think we found sheds from 12 different bucks in or around that corn field. The strange part was I found matching sets for all the yearlings but no matches for the three big sheds I found. We have them all hanging on a board in his garage. I think I have only found 2 sheds in the 25 years since. I have never found one at my place.
Anyone ever find the holy grail? Matches spikes?
i have a matched set of forks, not legal forks, the split is hardly measurable. total beam length is probably 7". I found one side on the edge of a cut bean field in early May of 2010 when i was checking a trail camera for spring gobblers. It had been laying there exposed to the sun long enough to have been bleached totally white on the top side. The next winter in January of 2011 i was scouting the same field edge for shed hunting. I had found a good trail leading off the field and saw that there were a couple beds in the snow under a group of hemlocks 40 yds into the woods. so i walked in to the beds and looked at the base of the one hemlock where the snow was gone and saw the match to the small shed from the previous May. A squirrel must have stashed it at the base of the tree. The second shed was probably only 80-90 yds from where i found the first shed 7 months prior.
Found my first one of 2015 this afternoon. DEER TICKS ARE OUT IN FULL FORCE!!
Snow on the ground and the ticks are out already? Great. You suppose this will be a bumper year for ticks?