I'm frustrated because he shot a buck with his bow earlier this season. Last year he would have been tagged out as far as bucks are concerned and I would have had an opportunity to shoot the buck he shot last night. I have been hunting that buck almost exclusively for the past 3 years. The sugar beet plot that I planted, the shooting house that I picked the spot for, hauled out with my brothers tractor, and positioned properly was put there exclusively for a late muzzle loader hunt.
I had a conversation earlier this year about my frustrations with the opportunity to be able to shoot three bucks and the herd not being able to support it. Both of my uncles said that they didn't think that anyone would do that. Well one of them shot a second buck last night and the other one is out there right now trying to do the same. (they both shot 2.5 y/o bucks already)
I was frustrated after last years season (uncles both shot bucks I passed up) and swore that I wouldn't be hunting the family property anymore. My cousin calmed me down and said this year would be different. I know that this is MY problem and not their's, they havent done anything "wrong" as far as the regs go. In this day and age there is no need for sustenance harvest. My chest freezer is full of beef, pork, salmon, and a little left over deer meet. And I mean FULL. I am after a MATURE buck. I could easily shoot 5 different 2.5-3.5 year old bucks every year, there are plenty of them out there.
I could put more of an effort in to harvest a buck earlier in the year but early season is HARD. Not to mention that with work being busy in the fall, my wife coaching, and my daughters playing volleyball I don't have much time. With a properly positioned food plot with the proper plants growing late season can be really easy and some of the biggest bucks in the area can be drawn in.
There is thousands of acres of state land that I might just start hunting next year. At least with state land my expectations will be much different and I know I will have others to contend with and any deer is fair game. The thing is I don't want to. I don't even want to hunt a different parcel of private property. I just want to manage the family farm and TRY to shoot the biggest buck it has to offer. If I dont so be it. I don't have to shoot a buck. I would be perfectly ok if someone else shoots the biggest buck the farm has if its the only buck they are going to harvest.
I am going to try to have a sit down with my uncles this weekend before one of them goes back home and try to agree to some ground rules. If I cant its time for plan B.