Deer hunting, the mental game


5 year old buck +
I'm sitting in a tree at this moment contemplating the first week as it lightly rains waiting on a world class buck that is rumored to have been wounded earlier his week and lost. I have no sightings of him in a week or hardly any deer for that matter on the section of my farm where this certain buck travels. The agony of not knowing!!!

Obviously I'm in for a season that will challenge my mental toughness to see it through hunting where I may see squat in hope of making history.

Here's to hoping a certain buck is still playing the game.

Good luck to those out hunting this cold front!
Shawn, they make it through some amazingly tough stuff. One on a property I manage, a buck was shot by the neighbor high and forward in the shoulder, 1/3rd of the arrow still in him. A month later he was swollen up like nothing I've seen before...Just like someone stuck an air compressor in his front half and blew it until on the verge of popping...and that's a VERY slight exaggeration for emphasis. He's still alive and now doing well.

If he has been hit hard, he'll likely lay extremely low for a couple weeks to a month and then slowly start getting back to normal. If it less major, he will likely be almost back to normal in a couple days. The good news is that if he lives, he's likely to avoid the area he was shot and tracked through, but I'm betting you have given him every reason in the world to feel safe on your ground...This could work out well for you. I've had it play out that way for me a half dozen times or so...So, that really isn't an unrealistic long shot.

Here's hoping he is still kicking!
I had a good buck like that a guest on my Augusta property hit high last year and made it so I know what you mean. Just tough not knowing and no one else has seen him either. I was dang close Saturday though, he just fed the wrong way.
That feeling when a world class buck is in your shooting lane and your cell camera sends it to you and you are away. At least it was for a good reason, my daughter's birthday. The hunt continues...
There will always be another big deer, but your daughter's birthdays are important, especially when they are little.

Good choice!
Good choice on the birthday over hunting. One's mind sure does get to wandering while sitting in the stand, at least mine does.
There will always be another big deer, but your daughter's birthdays are important, especially when they are little.

Good choice!

Always my little girl but not so little anymore, turned 18 last week. It is nice knowing that the deer I'm after is still alive.
Always my little girl but not so little anymore, turned 18 last week. It is nice knowing that the deer I'm after is still alive.

Did she tell you that you should of been in that stand?
Did she tell you that you should of been in that stand?

Lol....I think she's just hoping I get a shot at him soon.
I have a feeling you will be rewarded with a shot at him. You did the right thing. Glad he's still alive.
It's only a deer, big one or not.
I've been watching him grow for four years now so it's been fun. Having this happen Saturday just makes for a more interesting story and I still feel good about being able to get him yet this year..and you're right it's still just a deer no matter what.
Have you posted the pics or keeping him a secret?
Have you posted the pics or keeping him a secret?

Sorry, no pics unless someone shoots him.
Understood. I quit posting pics as well, except for bear pics.
The buck has survived the season so far minus one war wound. The one day I could not hunt an afternoon in November he walks past three of my stands in broad daylight. That's the chess match so if he can recover from the rut then I think we'll get to do it all over again next year. I'm not holding high hopes of seeing him this month although I have seen him in December before.
Good Luck!!