Deer as a red meat

So....a "professional" is telling you not to eat the one source of high protein, drug free food we have available? Ask your buddy what fake estrogen does to a mans body, then ask him how much of it is in the food he recommends.
I want to say i heard on a podcast where someone with Alphagal (red meat tickborne allergy) could still eat venison. Anyone know? point in being is it would have different properties/composure if so.

I know the two proteins that fuel me best are venison and salmon
They still want you to eat low fat, high sugar, and soy? Your doctors learn absolutely nothing about nutrition in medical school. Use your own logic and contemplate how we got here. What did we eat?
I’m simply asking about how much red meat y’all consume given the scientific data on TMAO’s and its effects on cardiovascular health and things like colon cancer. But I love the “doctors don’t know shit guys”. As if they literally just hand out degrees of medicine for showing up. Never mind the scientific medical community we have the is the worlds leader in healthcare. Yes it has its flaws, and I’m sure Covid exposed some levels of hypocrisy but overall I tend to trust the latest research. Our life expectancy and quality of fitness is so much higher than even 30 years ago, let alone 300 years ago, thanks to advances in medicine.
So you guys who think doctors are dumbasses, if you get cancer you just gonna rub some dirt on it and fuel up with fried chicken? I know me personally, I’m going to go with the people who research and practice this stuff daily when my life is potentially on the line. And for every “my 99 yr old grandpapa ate snickers and bacon grease every day till he died” there is a hundred more of the 45 year old with terminal colon cancer or full arterial blockage.
The red meat component of venison is just something I consider but don’t necessarily avoid. Granted I won’t allow my four year daughter to eat red meat every day based on the impacts research has shown. But maybe I’m wrong, I don’t mind erroring on the side of statistics here.
Are you AI, you didnt say shit about estrogen or protein.
I’m simply asking about how much red meat y’all consume given the scientific data on TMAO’s and its effects on cardiovascular health and things like colon cancer. But I love the “doctors don’t know shit guys”. As if they literally just hand out degrees of medicine for showing up. Never mind the scientific medical community we have the is the worlds leader in healthcare. Yes it has its flaws, and I’m sure Covid exposed some levels of hypocrisy but overall I tend to trust the latest research. Our life expectancy and quality of fitness is so much higher than even 30 years ago, let alone 300 years ago, thanks to advances in medicine.
So you guys who think doctors are dumbasses, if you get cancer you just gonna rub some dirt on it and fuel up with fried chicken? I know me personally, I’m going to go with the people who research and practice this stuff daily when my life is potentially on the line. And for every “my 99 yr old grandpapa ate snickers and bacon grease every day till he died” there is a hundred more of the 45 year old with terminal colon cancer or full arterial blockage.
The red meat component of venison is just something I consider but don’t necessarily avoid. Granted I won’t allow my four year daughter to eat red meat every day based on the impacts research has shown. But maybe I’m wrong, I don’t mind erroring on the side of statistics here.

That’s why I adhere to balance. Statistics can’t (and shouldn’t) be ignored. I think very few of us will live as long as our 95 year old gramps due to environmental factors as well. They weren’t exposed to the contaminated air, water, and food we all are every day. We can’t escape it. Heck, their cigarettes weren’t even as bad as today’s are. Varied diet and stay active.

Now as far as red meat consumption? I probably eat beef 2-3 times per week. Venison 2-3 times per week. That is lunch and supper combined. Breakfast is frosted mini wheats or a fruit and yogurt parfait.

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Statistically, most of us are going to die from something very painful. Lose weight and keep it off, have a good cardio routine, build some muscle (protein), avoid sugar and fried foods, then choose foods that keep you mentally strong and happy (backstraps). Seems a lot of vegans also suffer from depression. That's gotta take some years off your life also. I don't discredit all doctors. Many are very good. I'm currently taking a crash course in TMAO, and the first chapter has me thinking it's agenda driven. How long have they known about this? Seems convenient timing, about the time some research suggests not all cholesterol is bad for you, in comes a new scary syndrome to keep people from eating meat. In chapter 1 I'm also learning that eggs are once again bad for you. Didn't see that coming! Final point, I see that around 50% of harvard students identify as democrats, while 4% identify as republicans.
I’m simply asking about how much red meat y’all consume given the scientific data on TMAO’s and its effects on cardiovascular health and things like colon cancer. But I love the “doctors don’t know shit guys”. As if they literally just hand out degrees of medicine for showing up. Never mind the scientific medical community we have the is the worlds leader in healthcare. Yes it has its flaws, and I’m sure Covid exposed some levels of hypocrisy but overall I tend to trust the latest research. Our life expectancy and quality of fitness is so much higher than even 30 years ago, let alone 300 years ago, thanks to advances in medicine.
So you guys who think doctors are dumbasses, if you get cancer you just gonna rub some dirt on it and fuel up with fried chicken? I know me personally, I’m going to go with the people who research and practice this stuff daily when my life is potentially on the line. And for every “my 99 yr old grandpapa ate snickers and bacon grease every day till he died” there is a hundred more of the 45 year old with terminal colon cancer or full arterial blockage.
The red meat component of venison is just something I consider but don’t necessarily avoid. Granted I won’t allow my four year daughter to eat red meat every day based on the impacts research has shown. But maybe I’m wrong, I don’t mind erroring on the side of statistics here.
They’re medical degrees, which means you get fat, and have diabetes based on nutritional advice based on junk science. Then with the medical degree, they prescribe medication to treat the effects and not the cause.
Statistically, most of us are going to die from something very painful. Lose weight and keep it off, have a good cardio routine, build some muscle (protein), avoid sugar and fried foods, then choose foods that keep you mentally strong and happy (backstraps). Seems a lot of vegans also suffer from depression. That's gotta take some years off your life also. I don't discredit all doctors. Many are very good. I'm currently taking a crash course in TMAO, and the first chapter has me thinking it's agenda driven. How long have they known about this? Seems convenient timing, about the time some research suggests not all cholesterol is bad for you, in comes a new scary syndrome to keep people from eating meat. In chapter 1 I'm also learning that eggs are once again bad for you. Didn't see that coming! Final point, I see that around 50% of harvard students identify as democrats, while 4% identify as republicans.

Statistically, most of us are going to die from something very painful. Lose weight and keep it off, have a good cardio routine, build some muscle (protein), avoid sugar and fried foods, then choose foods that keep you mentally strong and happy (backstraps). Seems a lot of vegans also suffer from depression. That's gotta take some years off your life also. I don't discredit all doctors. Many are very good. I'm currently taking a crash course in TMAO, and the first chapter has me thinking it's agenda driven. How long have they known about this? Seems convenient timing, about the time some research suggests not all cholesterol is bad for you, in comes a new scary syndrome to keep people from eating meat. In chapter 1 I'm also learning that eggs are once again bad for you. Didn't see that coming! Final point, I see that around 50% of harvard students identify as democrats, while 4% identify as republicans.
Mort, eggs are a super food for men, I try to eat three dozen a week.LDL cholesterol is a pre curser for test. You are doing a great job with your family, im proud of you!
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Well, I’m 76 years old and have meat at least two meals per day. My wife and I will eat two deer per year by ourselves. I just got through eating a bowl of deer/vegetable stew. I had a doctor’s appointment just a few days ago and he said my cholesterol was great. I have had one heart attack, a month after I took the damn covid vaccines, never any heart trouble before that. You can add that up for yourself. I am for sure not going to listen to “the science”. Fauci broke me from that ! At my age, it’s a moot point anyhow.
You’re my buddy and I love you. AND that is called anecdotal and has no bearing on if red meat is bad or not!

My personal view is all things in moderation. Strictly vegetarian lacks protein and iron. Strictly meat too high in cholesterol. Eat mainly fruits and vegetables, lean meats, with red meat once or twice a week.

Heart disease is about 95% genetics. If you have the genes, you can alter how long until you get it but really not If you get heart disease. If you don’t have the gene you might get it at 95 years old instead of never.
Farmer down the road from where I grew up ate Campbells chicken noodle soup every day and smoked two packs a cigarettes a day, lived to be 95 and was very active. Died in his sleep at home.

I almost would eat venison every day...we eat a lot of ducks and geese at our house maybe twice a week for months.
Again. Awful way to look at things my man. Follow the data on 100k people, not one.

Most(99%) that live like him die at 48. You shouldn’t base your life on 1% chance.
They still want you to eat low fat, high sugar, and soy? Your doctors learn absolutely nothing about nutrition in medical school. Use your own logic and contemplate how we got here. What did we eat?
People hear about 10% of what a doctor tells them in a visit.
Statistically, most of us are going to die from something very painful. Lose weight and keep it off, have a good cardio routine, build some muscle (protein), avoid sugar and fried foods, then choose foods that keep you mentally strong and happy (backstraps). Seems a lot of vegans also suffer from depression. That's gotta take some years off your life also. I don't discredit all doctors. Many are very good. I'm currently taking a crash course in TMAO, and the first chapter has me thinking it's agenda driven. How long have they known about this? Seems convenient timing, about the time some research suggests not all cholesterol is bad for you, in comes a new scary syndrome to keep people from eating meat. In chapter 1 I'm also learning that eggs are once again bad for you. Didn't see that coming! Final point, I see that around 50% of harvard students identify as democrats, while 4% identify as republicans.
They have been teaching doctors not all cholesterol is bad for you for about 40 years.

Don’t take what you see on tv as what doctors tell you in a visit.

Also, people with known heart disease have to be treated different than someone without known disease.
Again. Awful way to look at things my man. Follow the data on 100k people, not one.

Most(99%) that live like him die at 48. You shouldn’t base your life on 1% chance.
I don’t think I am basing my lifestyle on how someone else’s genetics and way of life served them. There are always going to be exceptions to the rule.

I’m also not believing all the trends that swing in opposite directions every twenty or so years like drinking coffee and eating eggs for example.

National and private studies would never be biased…just look at all the malarkey that came out of the Covid experience.